Dose schedule

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We all know the benefits of multiple testosterone injections a week. Or at minimum, 1 weekly injection. We talk about how doctors who prescribe a dosing schedule other than those are 'behind the times' or are working 'a decade in the past.' What are you thoughts as to why, on the manufacturers package insert for replacement therapy for hypogonadal men, it says to inject 50 - 400 mg every 2 - 4 weeks. If a guy injected every 2 - 4 weeks, he'd catch hell and be told to find another doctor, yet it's what the package insert instructs us to do. Why do you guys think that is?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
take in consideration the half life of the medication and you will know why. most dr's and manufactures don't consider things like SHBG as well.
take in consideration the half life of the medication and you will know why. most dr's and manufactures don't consider things like SHBG as well.

Yeah but I think they're taking something into consideration or they wouldn't have such wide ranges. 50 - 400 milligrams every 2 - 4 weeks? Those are big gaps in mg and between doses.
I do know some men, who are happy injecting testosterone every two weeks. I'm not one of them. :)

Agreed. I'm doing better since I went to twice weekly injections but I actually did pretty well on once weekly injections, especially for a guy with shbg at the low end of the normal range.
Hormones are voodoo, if not taboo is mainstream medicine. Big Pharma, though they produce it, haven't bought in to the possibilities as they're money is made with their poisons and chemicals that treat symptoms where as HRT can be seen as a cure or at least an ongoing well being treatment and there's just not the kind of money there to interest them. MDs and specialists go along with big pharma for the most part.
Hormones are voodoo, if not taboo is mainstream medicine. Big Pharma, though they produce it, haven't bought in to the possibilities as they're money is made with their poisons and chemicals that treat symptoms where as HRT can be seen as a cure or at least an ongoing well being treatment and there's just not the kind of money there to interest them. MDs and specialists go along with big pharma for the most part.

There's more money treating the sick than maintaining health in the healthy...I couldn't agree more.

But I can't imagine why the package insert recommends such an outdated dosing schedule. I get it that there are other drugs that are more profitable, but they have pumped so much money into the Low T campaign and have made billions with the promise of more energy and a better sex life, it just seems they should update it.
Say you inject 400mg of testosterone your probably going to have a major peak then giving the half life you the peak will drop off fast taking you on a roller coaster ride. side effects are most at high peaks and low valleys, think of the estrogen conversion at super high peaks some men are more sensitive to this than others. I don't think the manufacture really cares if your riding the roller coaster and most DR's are uneducated when it comes to HRT.
That's kind of what I was thinking too. They're focused on the drug itself, not the other issues that come if you take 400mg in 1 dose. Let's say I run a total test of 500ng/dl and double it to 1,000. Sure I'd feel different, but that difference in feeling that would come from taking my E2 from just 20 pg/ml to 37 pg/ml would be way worse (at least for me). I know we talk more about the T/E ratio, but my point is, the difference in a slight increase in E2 for guys like me, I'd feel more than the doubling of my total test. Since they're focused on the cypionate only, and if that's the only thing you consider, and no other hormones are effected, then maybe injecting 400 mg once a month, as silly as it sounds, would be ok.
They seem to completely ignore the effective half life. It makes as much sense as telling someone to take 12 aspirin once every 24 hours instead of telling them to take 2 aspirin every 4 hours.
I think they think if we just flood the system with cypionate, they'll still be some there at the 4 week mark when it's time for another injection. For instance, I've been a once a week injection guy for most of my treatment. I've injected as low as 60 mg once a week and as high as 160 mg once a week. When I take blood on day 7 of a once weekly injection protocol, my total and free test are way higher, on day 7 with 160 than it is with 60. I will never try it, but I wonder where my numbers would be in 4 weeks from a 400 mg injection. Obviously my total test would go super high and then come down, but using my 60mg vs. 160mg example as an example, I'd think a 400mg injection will still have your total test higher than baseline by week 4. Of course I'm ignoring all the other issues that will come up from a 400mg injection. But if only looking at Total and Free testosterone, I'd think it'd be higher than baseline.
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