Does HCG help with collagen synthesis?

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I Lift heavy 5 days a week. When I'm using HCG my shoulders don't seem to hurt as bad. After a month or so without HCG, my shoulder (AC joints are inflamed according to ortho) hurt so bad i can hardly throw 125lb dumbells around anymore, and cannot flat bench at all above my warm up weights.

If i add HCG back in, after a month or so, my shoulders seem to feel better.

My e2 levels with and without HCG have both been very similar. 48.6 and 48.7 respectively.

I know Testosterone can inhibit collagen synthesis, Could HCG restore it to some extent?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
And I have the same shoulder issues with the same diagnosis. Stopping flat bench and flys helped a lot and my chest hasn't suffered.
Start strengthening your rotator cuff muscles and do plenty of upper back work...................lots of rowing movements as most are imbalanced between pectoral/rhomboid muscles.
And I have the same shoulder issues with the same diagnosis. Stopping flat bench and flys helped a lot and my chest hasn't suffered.

Been doing that. Cable flys tear me up something fierce!(in a good way) Incline dumbells i can get away with most the time.
Start strengthening your rotator cuff muscles and do plenty of upper back work...................lots of rowing movements as most are imbalanced between pectoral/rhomboid muscles.

I just started with rotator cuff work this past week. You have anything in particular you like for rotator work? I feel like if anything, my back is stronger than my chest.

Thank you for the input!!
I've used a collagen protein from Dr. Axe for over a month now and I've noticed a big difference.
Not pushing him or his products or anything, but in the past I've had similar issues working out like you have.
May be worth looking into.
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