Do You Workout?

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Been curious about this for a while. I read post after post here about guys not feeling well and they are looking to TRT for the solution. I wonder if guys are putting too much faith in TRT alone. Personally, I don't see it as a panacea, rather it is something that enhances the other aspects of health- having energy, confidence, a great sex life, and an ability to be ready for what life throws at you.

My questions:
Do you workout and what do you do? What's your diet like, supplements ? What other meds are you on? Too many guys assume any emotional issue they have is due to low T. Not always the case. Many guys complain of sexual performance issues post TRT. Pretty common I'd assume. What's your relationships like? All the TRT and pde5s in the world can't overcome a poor relationship. I'd also think guys without steady partners are at a disadvantage as good sex is a team sport between 2 people physically on the same page and takes time to develop good sexual rapport.

Don't want to be a grouchy old man, but before you blame your TRT regimen, I think these questions are worth looking at first. Then, look to TRT. I think that if you don't work out, you are missing the secret sauce for TRT's benefits. I just see a lot of guys overthinking things and maybe not putting the effort that is required.

Me: I workout with resistance bands every other day for 30-45 minutes, never resting more that 20 seconds between sets. The other days I use an air dyne bike for 30 minutes, mixing sprints in periodically. I've practiced karate since 1990 and daily do a little something with that 15-20 minutes, with heavy bag work being a staple.Weekends, I work on my property 2-5 hours, I love to cut,split,and stack firewood. All my workouts are at home in my house, barn, or on my land. I eat reasonably clean, protein and vegetables. Supplements are 2400 fish oil, 2000 vitamin d3, CBD oil, and cialis 5 daily. I've been married 30 years, and we have sex 3-5 times per week.

Thanks guys.
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I follow a low-carb diet. Workout with resistance training, 40 minutes a day. I like to do a lot of squatting, overhead presses and pull ups, among other exercises. I try to walk at least a half hour every day. I still work full time mostly 6 days a week. I also enjoyed dating.
trt is not going to cure all your ills that's for sure, it has been great for me, I weightlift 3 days a week, bike 2 days a week, hiking, and go mountaineering/climbing a couple of times a year, just got back from Peru about 2 weeks ago, my diet is clean about 80 + percent of the time, I take a few supps but not much, d3, magnesium, krill oil, fish oil, k2, im an old guy ( will be 52 in October ) my daughter will turn 4 in October, so I have to keep up with her, yep old guy with a 4 year old, lol, as far as work I started working 2 days a week in 2014 and don't plan on changing that, unless its to go to 1 day a week, haha, I had fought with low t for about 5 years before I started trt, but that last few months before I started my motivation to do anything was damn near 0,i have been active all my life but I was at the point where I just wanted to give all that up.
32 years old, 5'9", currently 178 lbs (typically 185). Test levels were 298 total and 8.7 free.

Have not yet started TRT, but order is on the way here from Defy/Empower. Regimen will be 160mg Test C and 800 units of HCG split into two doses weekly. Also 25mg DHEA, 5000 IU D3, and 4g of fish oil daily per Dr. Saya.

Regarding my training and general health: I do barbell training 3-5 days per week based predominantly on the squat, bench, deadlift, and overhead press with some accessory movements varying between weighted pull ups/chin ups, barbell rows, several core movements, and some curls and tricep isolation work thrown in. I'll also do 1-2 HIIT sessions per week on an Airdyne bike or Concept 2 rower. All training is done either at one of our firehouses that offer commercial-level gyms or in my garage with a squat rack and lifting platform. Other physical training includes firefighting skills such as stairs, breaching walls/doors, dummy drags, SCBA breathing while working, and various other rescues in full turnout gear.

Nutrition revolves around a flexible dieting/IIFYM approach and I track macronutrients to within several grams each day. Current macros are 315g carbohydrates (35-60g of which is fiber), 71g fat, and 181g of protein per day. I drink a beer or whiskey typically 1x per month, sometimes less. Sleep habits typically get me 7-8 hours per day, 5-6 if we have a rough night running calls at work. Stress is overall fairly low.
No supplements. Except for Thyroid support stuff.

I tried to start lifting again. Hurt my elbow again. I try to walk 1.5 to 2 miles per night. But most weeks I walk 5 times. Up and down hills too. My muscle tone is getting better and better since being on TRT.

I weigh 247lbs right now, 6ft 1". I have gained about 10lbs since starting TRT. When I was doing low carb I got down to 230lbs from 275lbs. Now eating kinda crappy which could be contributing to the weigh gain. But I am much more hungry on TRT.

TRT has improved my libido an amazing amount. Almost a year in to it and it is finally helping a great deal with ED too. Loving marriage with the girl of my dreams. Coming up on 20 years.

To be quite honest, before starting TRT I would not, could not even attempt to do half of the things I am doing now. I simply din't have the energy, drive or concentration to tackle day to day things.

Hoping I can get my E2 under control and continue on a road to success.
No supplements. Except for Thyroid support stuff.

I tried to start lifting again. Hurt my elbow again. I try to walk 1.5 to 2 miles per night. But most weeks I walk 5 times. Up and down hills too. My muscle tone is getting better and better since being on TRT.

I weigh 247lbs right now, 6ft 1". I have gained about 10lbs since starting TRT. When I was doing low carb I got down to 230lbs from 275lbs. Now eating kinda crappy which could be contributing to the weigh gain. But I am much more hungry on TRT.

TRT has improved my libido an amazing amount. Almost a year in to it and it is finally helping a great deal with ED too. Loving marriage with the girl of my dreams. Coming up on 20 years.

To be quite honest, before starting TRT I would not, could not even attempt to do half of the things I am doing now. I simply din't have the energy, drive or concentration to tackle day to day things.

Hoping I can get my E2 under control and continue on a road to success.

Try some band workouts. I have a lot of orthopedic problems and it's the best way for me to workout.Bands are safe, which is why physical therapists use them. Tension occurs in the most advantageous position for muscle stimulus and the least likely to cause pain.
I'm 47 years old and since starting TRT have been consistently weight training 5 days per week for about 45 minutes per day. I am currently following workout program by James Grage (The Muscle Geek), you can find his workout of youtube. Also, have done workouts by Jim Stoppani and use his JYM supplement line (Pre-Jym and Post-Jym).

In addition, I take OTC DHEA 25 mg, LEF Multi-Vitamin, LEF B-Complex, 2,000 IU of Vitamin D twice per day, 500 MG of Vitamin C twice per day, and 1,500 MG of Metformin.

I am just now starting to do Intermittent Fasting. Trying to do 4 to 5 days per week 16/8.
When I started trt my level was like 120. Now with .45ml I stay around 1000 trough. I lift free weights 4 days a week. 36yrs old 6'5 and I started at 305lbs and dropped to 240lbs with a good diet and exercise. A year into it I'm back up to 272lbs with heavy lifting and dropped 2 pants sizes while putting on almost 30lbs of muscle. My diet is very consistent consisting of mostly wild salmon, chicken breast, brown rice and vegetables, and I eat 6 meals a day. I was also hypothyroid which is in check now. My libido has been through the roof but my wife has been a good sport about it. We are having sex on average five times a week (which we haven't done since we are in our twenties). I didn't feel the full effects until I started dropping weight and hitting the gym.
I currently am working out 6 days wk approx 30-45 minutes a day completing the "body for life" program. 3 days cardio/ 3 days weights. I am on week 6 of the 12 week program. Eating smaller balanced meals with high protein, veggies, and complex carbs only. I am 50 y/o at 5'8" and weigh 178 pounds with 19% BF. Was at 194 pounds and 26% BF 6 weeks ago. T levels as of 2 weeks ago 822 total 19.8 free. Getting my T levels in the upper level of normal naturally resulted in more energy and want to get to the gym. For me it has helped more from a focus/mental perspective than any other benefit. I add a multi vitamin, omegas, D, zinc/copper, Dim/TMG, coq10, B Complex, and extra C.
I work out at least three times a week doing a PPL type program. Was never able to build any muscle mass until TRT. Recovery times are much faster, I can increase weights in all my lifts, and sometimes I can't believe what I'm seeing in the mirror. Lifting is a big part of TRT for me. I always wanted to lift but lost motivation due to lackluster results. Before, I could lift and feel somewhat of a boost but it would fade quickly. Now with TRT, I feel that boost all the time and my muscles respond like an 18 year old...I'm 45. I didn't start TRT with any of this in mind, but the benefits of testosterone and working out cannot be denied so why not lift.

Libido is vastly improved and as good or better than prior to the onset of hypogonadism. I've had ED issues but this seems to be a common thing with us on TRT. Seems this is something not fully understood so I'm looking into PDE-5 inhibitors even though I hate to think I will need them. My wife is a Defy patient as well and on testosterone cream. We basically can't stop so Cialis might be a necessity just to keep the flag from flying half mast.
I am now 62 years old and started on TRT in January, 2016. At that time I increased my exercise level, working up to what I do now, which is to lift weights for an hour three days a week and run an hour three days a week. As a result I lost ten pounds and then put it back on again, I hope changing fat to muscle. I'm surprised by how much progress I've been able to make over the two year, several weeks ago I ran a 5K and won in my age group.

I follow the McDougall diet, which is a high carb, low fat, plant based diet. I had been following it for many years because of irritable bowel syndrome, but had gotten lax as the irritable bowel got better. I attribute the loss of 10 pounds to the diet and it hasn't stood in the way of me gaining muscle since then. Here is a photo of me from the 5K race. As you can see, I'm still rather thin.
When I started trt my level was like 120. Now with .45ml I stay around 1000 trough. I lift free weights 4 days a week. 36yrs old 6'5 and I started at 305lbs and dropped to 240lbs with a good diet and exercise. A year into it I'm back up to 272lbs with heavy lifting and dropped 2 pants sizes while putting on almost 30lbs of muscle. My diet is very consistent consisting of mostly wild salmon, chicken breast, brown rice and vegetables, and I eat 6 meals a day. I was also hypothyroid which is in check now. My libido has been through the roof but my wife has been a good sport about it. We are having sex on average five times a week (which we haven't done since we are in our twenties). I didn't feel the full effects until I started dropping weight and hitting the gym.

Awesome results! I fully relate to the total effects being greatly impacted by the diet and exercise. My point is, why not do what you're doing? You have greatly proven my point.
cbd oil

I noticed you take CBD Oil, if you don't mind me asking, Why? I have been thinking about taking it for some anxiety. Just wondering if you notice the benefits? Pros or cons, thanks as always.
I noticed you take CBD Oil, if you don't mind me asking, Why? I have been thinking about taking it for some anxiety. Just wondering if you notice the benefits? Pros or cons, thanks as always.

It it helps with my joint pain. I have a lot of arthritis and it prevents me from needing the nsaids that I only need occasionally. I don' t notice any ill effects. You cannot get high from it, there's no THC present. I get it from a company called Charlotte's Web and take a dropper AM and PM.
It it helps with my joint pain. I have a lot of arthritis and it prevents me from needing the nsaids that I only need occasionally. I don' t notice any ill effects. You cannot get high from it, there's no THC present. I get it from a company called Charlotte's Web and take a dropper AM and PM.
My mom is 84 now, has arthritis and joint pain. I wonder if CBD Oil would help manage her pain. I assume she would need a script, what the prescription name or can you buy CBD Oil without one.
My mom is 84 now, has arthritis and joint pain. I wonder if CBD Oil would help manage her pain. I assume she would need a script, what the prescription name or can you buy CBD Oil without one.

No no script is needed, and it is not illegal anywhere. Since it has inert amounts to no THC, he psychoactive ingredient in pot, it is legal, no high. Legal in all states Google Charlotte's Web CBD Oil.
No no script is needed, and it is not illegal anywhere. Since it has inert amounts to no THC, he psychoactive ingredient in pot, it is legal, no high. Legal in all states Google Charlotte's Web CBD Oil.

Okay, I will Google CBD oil. Thanks for your help.
Can someone tell me how Cialis helps with heavy weight training / workouts

is there a separate thread on this?
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