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Hey guys - Got my labs back today from May be concerned about a couple things. Thought I'd run it by the forum and see if anything stands out. Thanks for your thoughts. Not too worried about the Bilirubin level, as I've had elevated levels since age 15 (currently 45).



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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
60 mg cypionate, twice weekly & 1/4 mg AI, twice weekly. Feeling good. No significant complaints. Occasionally some tenderness on the right side of my torso, but have had it for a couple years. Doesn't seem to get worse...or better. No pain, just enough to notice it when my mind isn't focused on a task. Multiple docs have felt the area and say there's no lumps. May get an MRI of area.
Looks good except for hemoglobin and hematocrit. If they get much higher you need to donate blood. Drinking lots of water and daily cardio should help some in that area if you aren't already. Hdl is a bit low but mine used to be also when my total cholesterol was as low as urs. I added a few eggs into my diet, my total cholesterol went to 140, and now my HDL is in range. From a hormone aspect I'd say things are pretty good also. Best of all you feel good. Assume that means libido and such are doing good too?
Yes, need your protocol, plus any thyroid medication? Your FT3 is in a good place "if" all is good on the Reverse T3 front? How do you feel on all of this? Sleep, mood, calmness, brain-fog, energy, etc.??
Mood, libido, brain fog, sleep, and energy are all good. Obviously the high A/G ratio and Eos jump out at me. Googled it, but don't know a lot about it. Notice on page 1, there are several items without a reference range.
Looks like your protocol is working good for you. You could try NAC and improve diet for increasing HDL. I'm also wondering if you could decrease your AI some, but because you're feeling so good, it might be a bad move.
Vince makes a good point NAC may be helpful for cholesterol. I did add that to my daily regimen also. I also think along the lines as Vince on ai if you are feeling good idk if it's worth tweaking.
If you feel good on those numbers then this great, I do think your E @ 21.6 is on the threshold of what some would call low but if you're feeling and performing well then this could be your spot.
I'll look into NAC. Was thinking the same thing about E2. I've always been decent at making small changes and waiting it out. I'm going to go with 1/8th mg AI twice weekly (currently taking 1/4 mg AI twice weekly) and see how I feel and what labs show.
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