Carnivore diet trial

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Having gut issues most likely due to ibs-c. I have tried several elimination diets, last being fodmap. I have not had much luck.

I am on day 4 of carnivore diet to see the effects. Plan on staying on for about a month. Then slowly start introducing foods.

So far less bloating! Constipation, so-so.

We'll see how it goes
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I believe you also posted you suffer from depression? Consider the possibility that a psychological issue is the root cause. This was/is the case for me. Took me a long time to connect the dots once I finally opened my mind to the possibility. I don’t have issues often anymore. Can eat anything.

Oh wow, that’s fascinating. I don’t want to derail the thread, but would you mind quickly saying what the psychological issue was/ is, and how you overcame it?
As far as the carnivore diet goes, I’ve also heard some amazing success stories with it recently. I don’t think it’s the best diet long term, but I’ve listened to multiple people on podcasts express how it was basically a miracle for them in regards to curing some medical issues they had, especially autoimmune issues and issues with chronic inflammation. Also an amazing diet to lose weight, if that’s someone’s goal.
I have heard that. Alot of serotonin is made in the gut. Hopefully treating depression will have an impact. I know stress is a issue for sure. I will try to see how it is impacted and add that to my on going ketamine thread, thanks
@LTChris, I suggest you check out the book and numerous podcasts by/with Dr. Michael Ruscio as he seems to be one of the best on gut issues.

There are many others but check out and search for Carnivore Chronicles which is Shawn Baker’s blog. Also search for Amber O’hearn ‘s blog.
Something else to consider after a trial of Carnivore:

Stan Efferding's "Vertical Diet" is another elimination type diet, highly focused on gut health, with red meat at its center, but also includes other easily tolerated foods to balance out micro-nutrient needs. It's pretty much how I eat most of the time.

Geared toward strength and physique athletes who want less time on the toilet, more productive training, and longevity in their pursuits.
It's really only fascinating because doctors use the hammer and nail approach to all ailments. If it's not easy an profitable they are not interested. Psychological issues causing physical pain? Not easy. The studies have been done now, and the proof is out there. I'll summarize.

Due to any host of reasons a person may experience negative emotions and especially anxiety. Fear is a big one here. When you get caught in that loop of "what ifs", and "how am I going to fix this" you are in a cycle that reinforces the pain or ailment. You are telling your subconscious brain that you are not safe constantly. It will give you something else to focus on, which is pain. Dr. John Saarno was the first Dr. to uncover this. It has been improved upon since then, and studies with brain imaging have confirmed this.

I had issues with gastritis and lack of appetite in my 20's. Dr's couldn't help me. I noticed after a few years the issue subsided frequently when stress levels were overall lower. So I figured out stress = digestion issues. Couldn't control stress really well. Low T wasn't helping.

Early 30's I developed tendonosis in my arm. That scared me. It spread to the other arm. I've dealt with this for years. It's less of an issue and practically gone now that I've learned it's all caused due to psychosomatic reasons. When I started to get control of this I was hit with back pain so hard I couldn't stand for 2 weeks. The pain was jumping around. Once I recognized is as psychosomatic and brushed it off it disappeared.

If you have/do suffer with a form of depression and/or anxiety and experience physical pain/discomfort that logically should have healed, you are most likely dealing with psychosematically induced pain. You are NOT the 1 in a million genetic freak that hasn't been discovered. You are probably a really intelligent problem solver, but all that thinking about the problem will cause a reaction from the mind to the body.

Sorry to hijack.

Thank you so much for that detailed and informative response. I could go on for hours about this stuff, but I won't. I 100% agree with everything you just said though. The mind is a fascinating and complicated thing. We have barely even scratched the surface of what it is capable of and how to manage it. Ok, back to the original thread.
@LTChris, I suggest you check out the book and numerous podcasts by/with Dr. Michael Ruscio as he seems to be one of the best on gut issues.

Last thing I tried before going carnivore was just that, read his book. spent fortune on supplements. No luck. I do still have a appointment to work directly with him. He is booked solid, not in till November.
So far day 15 on diet and bloating is a lot better. actually I am having more issues with diarrhea then constipation. I may need to bring fat down some. Weight is consistent. Which is good, if anything I hope to put some muscle back on.
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