cardarine use , stomach issues/blood sugar, Who has used it?

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--Found out its carrier liquid is PEG 400--

only study i saw was 20mg two times a day, but that can get expensive. Decent fat loss occurred at week 6/ 10 i think. If 10mg becomes tolerable worth it to do 20mg two times a day?

Unsure related had stomach grumbles first day or so taking 10mg, blood sugar normally 85-95 checked at work 1 hour after taking dose, BS was 111 and 109 on my readings. Eat same thing before work every day pretty much.

Hoping for a bit of BF% loss, endurance and cholesterol number improvement
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I googled it and it sounds too good to be true...there must a good reason why GSK abandoned it.

"was abandoned in 2007 because animal testing showed that the drug caused cancer to develop rapidly in several organs.[2] "

GW501516 - Wikipedia
they also used large doses, anything in a large dose over that period of time can cause cancer...

"The lowest dosage showing cancer cell proliferation in an animal model being 3 mg/kg/day in Han Wistar rats for a period of 104 weeks
104weeks lolol"

Stomach issues seem to have gone, also blood sugar elevation seems faulty
There has been lot of discussion of this on various venues and the results seem very inconclusive, with some people claiming (without a lot of evidence that I could find) that low doses are actually anti-cancer. However, as best as I could tell, part of the endurance benefit of cardarine is through the same mechanism as what ketones produce, so my two cents is that anyone looking for endurance benefits would be better off using ketones first. Further, while many people report significant endurance gains on cardarine, ketones seem much safer and seem like a no-brainer for endurance activity, so I am suspecting that the gains people report from cardarine would likely diminish or vanish if those people had already been supplementing with Ketones.

Cardarine is an interesting mystery however since its list of benefits include many things (e.g. reduction in inflammation, fat loss) which taken alone would seem to to be very anti-cancer.)
I never knew ketones and endurance,thank you.

Running does seem to be getting easier, mind you this was my third time running in over 6 years.

Nore are my legs calfs as sore, as the first time on treadmill

i do 1 mile run at 6.0 -8.0 with a short warm up/cool down walk at 3.0 and it does seem easier.

I am starting to get a very location specific headache while running.. and goes. But unsure if related to 5mg cialis use I have since switched cialis to PM from AM.

Had my cholesterol checked today , and will recheck when cardarine is done.

BF- can't notice any difference in the mirror.
does this stuff make any one itchy while at the gym? or cialais known to do so, only pre worouts i take, those and a caffeine tablet. But the itchy only recently started
Not sure if it's considered annoying for me to bump old threads, but about the run cardarine. Seems common to site that cancer risk was overstated due to the huge doses the rats took. I'll report back with efficacy. Starting at 5mg daily, 5 days/ wk for max of 3 months. Might bump to 10 after 2-3 weeks if tolerated well.
I googled it and it sounds too good to be true...there must a good reason why GSK abandoned it.

"was abandoned in 2007 because animal testing showed that the drug caused cancer to develop rapidly in several organs.[2] "

GW501516 - Wikipedia

Yea, they gave those poor rats a very high dose for a very long period of time. Not something a human would need. GW-501516 developed by Glaxo Smith Kline to prevent prostate and breast tumors. The drug was manufactured in 1992 with an objective to increase HDL and reduce LDL cholesterol in the body.

I have used it quite a few times in the past and feel it did help with fat burning some and definitely helps with aerobic capacity. Most likely why it is a banned substance in the IOC

I know of two guys that did pre- and post blood work and found of it seem to lower lipid values.

Ooi EM, Watts GF, Sprecher DL, Chan DC, Barrett PH. Mechanism of action of a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)-delta agonist on lipoprotein metabolism in dyslipidemic subjects with central obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 Oct;96(10):E1568-76. doi: 10.1210/jc.2011-1131. Epub 2011 Aug 3. PMID: 21816786.

Conclusions: GW501516 increased the hepatic removal of VLDL particles, which might have resulted from decreased apoC-III concentration. GW501516 increased apoA-II production, resulting in an increased concentration of LpA-I:A-II particles. This study elucidates the mechanism of action of this PPAR-δ agonist on lipoprotein metabolism and supports its potential use in treating dyslipidemia in obesity.

Yes PEG 400 is used in used to cause raw powders to go into suspension in liquid products whose molecular weight is between 232 to 594. The molecular weight of GW-501516 is 453.50
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I found a very significant increase in endurance for both cardio and weights. I did a weights session indoors, break. Another session outdoors. A run, jumped rope and another run. I'd say 2 serious workouts and 3 moderate workouts, where usually 2 in a day is the most I would do.

I just felt I never hit the wall even though consuming significantly fewer calories due to semaglutide (ozempic). I keep hearing about the dose in the rats with cancer study. Seems like they did like 100 times what I would do. I'm doing 5mg to be extra conservative and probably will run it for 2-3 months if no sides and take 2-3 months break minimum. Not sure, but it might be having a slight negative impact on my sleep--could be semaglutide which is why I usually only add 1 thing at a time to my regimens.
I have a friend that used GW501516 for a work related graded stress test. He did significantly better on the test than he had ever done. His lipid profile also turned out much better.
Made me endurance worse (ironman distance)
Gave me an itchy red rash.
Horrible stuff wouldn't touch again
yeah pretty awful. it was suppose to be the EXACT opposite. thankfully half life is only 16h should be over in a day or so.
i have some theories why this is garbage for some people. what saved me today to some extent (50% improvement) is carb stacking and high doses of ALCAR. i normally do low carb. i think this shit exhaust the body ability to burn fat and/or forces it to burn fat to some extent, completely tanking the metabolism, now this is obviously unique to only certain people.
what i hate about this and most SARM's/experimental drugs (i know c is not a sarm) that they are advertised as amazing. 'cardirine lowers inflammation bla bla', but if you actually read the studies, it lowers CERTAIN inflammatory markers while ramping others. 'no side effects bla bla'. except when you get some really bad ones. also why the fuck do you want to lower inflammation. post exercise inflammation is desired. deal with the root cause maybe?
it is nearly impossible to find solid information on any of this shit. you have to browse reddit through certain keywords and see if matches come up, like 'cardirine lethargy', 'cardirine insomnia' etc. but this is a very tedious process.
I am coming to the conclusion that I won't touch any of the sarm's, peptides, experimental shit, UNLESS i can see it being sold in compounding pharmacies and through solid HRT clinics. probably going to stick to proven steroids from now on
yeah pretty awful. it was suppose to be the EXACT opposite. thankfully half life is only 16h should be over in a day or so.
i have some theories why this is garbage for some people. what saved me today to some extent (50% improvement) is carb stacking and high doses of ALCAR. i normally do low carb. i think this shit exhaust the body ability to burn fat and/or forces it to burn fat to some extent, completely tanking the metabolism, now this is obviously unique to only certain people.
what i hate about this and most SARM's/experimental drugs (i know c is not a sarm) that they are advertised as amazing. 'cardirine lowers inflammation bla bla', but if you actually read the studies, it lowers CERTAIN inflammatory markers while ramping others. 'no side effects bla bla'. except when you get some really bad ones. also why the fuck do you want to lower inflammation. post exercise inflammation is desired. deal with the root cause maybe?
it is nearly impossible to find solid information on any of this shit. you have to browse reddit through certain keywords and see if matches come up, like 'cardirine lethargy', 'cardirine insomnia' etc. but this is a very tedious process.
I am coming to the conclusion that I won't touch any of the sarm's, peptides, experimental shit, UNLESS i can see it being sold in compounding pharmacies and through solid HRT clinics. probably going to stick to proven steroids from now on

Ive got no faith any of these companies sell any genuine sarms. Probably explains why everyone reacts differently
could be, even pharma messes up often. I personally experienced generics being complete garbage, for ex. armodafinil made by some indian company (forgot name), is completely worthless. but you get your hands on brand name, or some other generics, and it works wonders.
and they are supposed to be fda controlled. and who the fuck knows what is in those sarms.
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