Brain development until age 25?

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I can be on TRT at 23, I'm 22 now but here is a problem. People told to me male brain is not fully developed until age 25 and TRT is not safe until that age.

What do you think?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Not true. Testosterone replacement or even supraphysiological doses do not affect brain development in young men. Low testosterone may slow learning and cognitive capacity, though.

If I was in my 20's with testosterone (total) over 400 ng/dL, I would not use testosterone. I would concentrate on these:

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Not true. Testosterone replacement or even supraphysiological doses do not affect brain development in young men. Low testosterone may slow learning and cognitive capacity, though.

If I was in my 20's with testosterone (total) over 400 ng/dL, I would not use testosterone. I would concentrate on these:

How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

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I found this in steroid forums

"Studies in both humans and animal models indicate that AAS exposure during adolescence alters normal brain remodeling, including structural changes and neurotransmitter function... The evidence suggests that the use of AAS during this critical period of development may increase the risk for maladaptive behaviors along with neurological disorders."

"Specifically, pubertal AAS abuse may contribute to abnormal brain development, or at least alter the normal trajectory of brain development, resulting in increased vulnerability for psychopathological and disorders and maladaptive behaviors."

"A growing translational literature suggests that adolescent exposure to anabolic-androgenic steroids (AASs) leads to increased aggression and impulsivity. However, little is known about the cognitive effects of AASs among AAS users or the differences between adolescent- and adult-onset users. Adolescent onset was associated with greater impulsivity and more acute sensitivity to AAS effects on attention. These preliminary findings suggest the possibility that acute AAS use is associated with some differences in inhibitory control and impulsivity and to a lesser degree, aggression. These effects may be more potent for those initiating AAS use in adolescence."

What do you think?
You are 22, not an adolescent. And you are on TRT, not high doses of anabolic steroids.
I would be more concerned about decreased fertility than brain damage is I was you.
What dose of HCG dose he plan on you using, and why at just a young age do you have low testosterone.
I don't know I have seasonal hypogonadism. But when my T came back ( probably after months ) I will take full blood work and see what is my progesterone level. I have heard progesterone is natural AI, maybe thats why I have high estradiol. Because i have low progesterone and social anxiety.
At your young age, it would be tough to be on TRT for the rest of your life. If you could find the reason why you have low testosterone and if it was correctable, it would make life a lot easier. I would only use TRT as a last resort. Explore every other option before using TRT.
At your young age, it would be tough to be on TRT for the rest of your life. If you could find the reason why you have low testosterone and if it was correctable, it would make life a lot easier. I would only use TRT as a last resort. Explore every other option before using TRT.
But I will use high TRT dose. 250 mg weekly. Like an anti depressant. I dont want to use SSRIs. It is more dangerous than TRT. I think high testosterone is a life changer. I will have high motivation, passion for life. Sex life will be like pornstar, I'll be more dominant etc.
But I won't be TRT until age 25. I need to find what causes high e2. I will just cycling testosterone.

With all due respect, this isn't the soundest plan. You are freelancing - making it up as you go along. Where do you live? If you don't have a doctor you trust, it would be worth your time/your health/your future to find one and really dig into what is going on with your health.
With all due respect, this isn't the soundest plan. You are freelancing - making it up as you go along. Where do you live? If you don't have a doctor you trust, it would be worth your time/your health/your future to find one and really dig into what is going on with your health.
Yes you are right. Thats why I will find a doctor if I go on TRT. I will just cycling testosterone. Of course blood tests will be taken.
Cycling on and off testosterone: Testosterone replacement is a life-long commitment in most cases. Once you start you should assume that you will stay on it unless you have an unmanageable side effect. Some patients think that “giving the body a break” once every few weeks is a good thing. What they do not know is that during the time that you are taking testosterone, your testicles stop producing it. When you stop replacement therapy you are left with no testosterone in your system for weeks while your HPG hormonal axis normalizes. Depression, weight loss, lack of motivation, and loss of sex drive can appear rapidly and with a vengeance. A few men never have their hormonal axis return to normal after stopping testosterone (especially if they were hypogonadal at baseline).
Top Mistakes Men Make When Using Testosterone Replacement Therapy
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Cycling on and off testosterone: Testosterone replacement is a life-long commitment in most cases. Once you start you should assume that you will stay on it unless you have an unmanageable side effect. Some patients think that “giving the body a break” once every few weeks is a good thing. What they do not know is that during the time that you are taking testosterone, your testicles stop producing it. When you stop replacement therapy you are left with no testosterone in your system for weeks while your HPG hormonal axis normalizes. Depression, weight loss, lack of motivation, and loss of sex drive can appear rapidly and with a vengeance. A few men never have their hormonal axis return to normal after stopping testosterone (especially if they were hypogonadal at baseline).
Top Mistakes Men Make When Using Testosterone Replacement Therapy
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I know how to cycle testosterone.

500 mg test-e 12 weeks
250 IU hCG x2 14 weeks
Then PCT starts with clomid and nolvadex.

And before cycling I will donate blood.
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