Anastrozole 0.3 mg

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Hello all...during my last consultation with my Doctor, he suggested I start taking 0.3 mg of Aanastrozole every 3.5 days. Is this considered a heavy dosage? Small dosage?

I’ve taken this previously and has the following sexual side effects: desensitized penis...delayed orgasm and diminished orgasm...muscle spasm in upper arms. I was then taking 0.5 mg every other day. I realize that everyone reacts differently to medications. Are these side effects somewhat common? I do not care to experience them again, thus the reason for the question about the dosage I have currently been prescribed.

Thanks in advance for any responses!
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
My current prescription is .125 EOD your's is close to double that. I don't know if .6/week is a lot. Like you said everyone is different. Since you stated you have had issues in the past with an AI maybe you should cut that in half and bloods in 5-6 weeks to see where things are.
It's not a particularly high dose, but then again it needs to be based/dosed on a combo of your labs and symptoms (if any are present).
You noted your past long have you been using the 0.3 mg dose and do you have labs since switching to this dose?
You should post your estradiol levels with the men sensitive estradiol test.

Sorry about not doing they are:

Ttl Tesosterone: 1530.1 (348-1197)
Free Test: 28.0 (7.2-24)
Dihydrotest: 77
Prostate: 1.5 (0 - 4)
TSH: 1.75 (0.45 - 4.5)
Estradiol, Sensitive: 50.9 (8.0 - 35.0)
SHBG: 36.4 (19.3 - 76.4)
Ttl Cholesterol: 192 (100 - 199)
Triglycerides: 56 (0 - 149)
HDL Chol: 55 (>39)
VLDL Chol Cal: 11 (5 - 40)
LDL Chol Calc: 126 (0 - 99)
T Chol/HDL Ratio: 3.5 (0.0 - 5.0)
Glucose, Serum: 85 (65 - 99)
BUN: 14 (6 - 24)
Creatine, Serum: 1.03 (0.76 - 1.27)
WBC: 6.0 (3.4 - 10.8)
RBC: 5.06 (4.14 - 5.8)
Hemoglobin: 15.8 ((12.6 - 17.7)
Hemocrit: 46.7 (37.5 - 51.0)
MCV: 92 (79 - 97)
MCH: 31.2 (26.6 - 33)
MCHC: 33.8 (31.5 - 35.7)
Platelets: 171 (150 - 379)
Neutrophils: 58
Lymphs: 27
Monocytes: 8
Eos: 6
Basos: 1
Neutrophils Absolute: 3.5 (1.4 - 7.0)
Lymphs Absolute: 1.6 (0.7 - 3.1)
Monocytes Absolute: 0.5 (0.1 - 0.9)
Eos Absolute: 0.4 (0.0 - 0.4)
Baso Absolute: 0.1 (0.0 - 0.2)
Immature Granulocytes: 0
Immature Grans Abs - 0.0 (0.0 - 0.1)
I definitely wouldn't take the anastrozole, E2 follows testosterone. Your level of T (1530.1) is high. If you really wish lower estradiol levels, than lower your T. But I wouldn't take an AI.
Lowering your T dose is the best option. If you go the AI route though, I'll almost bet that 0.6 a week is going to drive your e2 way to low.
I'm on .25 of a tab every 4 days....if i miss it I know about it, start to feel like crap and look the LF commented we are all different.
One supp that did make a hell of a difference to me was Al-carnosine helped me big time in the orgasm/sensitivity department. I dont eat a lot red meat so I started to supplement with it ......for me that was the missing link.
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