Alzheimer's disease

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Here’s an amazing interview where Dr. Anthony Chaffee and a guy that owns assisted living homes talk in depth about alzheimers and dementia. They go over different cases of Alzheimer’s and dementia either being reversed, or the person‘s symptoms being greatly reduced

Not sure if it was this interview, or a different one, but it’s theorized that beta-amyloid plaques are actually not the cause of Alzheimer’s/ dementia, but actually the brain’s response to these diseases. Kind of like how plaque build up in our blood vessels is not the cause of cardiovascular disease, but a reparative response due to micro-tears in the blood vessel lining. It’s possible that these beta-amyloid plaques are simply a reparative response in our brain. And just like how villainizing cholesterol and creating medications to lower cholesterol is absolutely the wrong approach when trying to treat cardiovascular disease, due to trying to attack a symptom, instead of the underlying cause, I wonder if the same thing is going on with villainizing beta-amyloid plaques, and creating medications to deal with them

At the end of the day, alzheimers/ dementia and most cardiovascular disease have the same main root causes. Inflammation and insulin resistance. So to cure/ improve/ go to the root cause of either, it takes the same solutions. There’s unfortunately just no money to be made by big pharma in the actual solutions. Plenty to be made when ur treating a symptom/ causal effect of a disease tho. And the most genius thing about these drugs treating the symptoms/ causal effects is that they get people to take them indefinitely for the rest of their lives, and nothing ever gets cured/ resolved. Literal genius business model, I have to give it to them.

In the interview below they talk about how studies show that simply eating a keto diet has been shown to be more effective than any alzheimers/ dementia drug currently on the market, in regards to improving/ resolving people’s alzheimer‘s/ dementia symptoms. They also reference a study showing that when dementia patients stopped taking their Memantine, which is a drug specifically prescribed to help with dementia symptoms, their dementia actually improved. And their dementia got worse when they went back on the medication. They also go over studies showing that Alzheimer’s patients symptoms improved when they discontinued the statin that they were on. And when they started taking the statin again, their symptoms got worse. I actually think they said that their alzheimers went away completely when discontinuing the statin, and returned completely when going back on the statin

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People interested in this should review the work of Dr. Bredesen and the protocol he used in the multiple studies he has done where dementia was reversed.
Just looked over his protocol, definitely a solid approach overall. I disagree with the plant based part, but overall it has most of the things needed to increase a persons chances as much as possible, in regards to reversing their alzheimer‘s/ dementia diagnosis
This is just a study interpreted by people that are still of the old way of thinking that LDL is a “bad” cholesterol. The body would never endogenously produce something that’s inherently bad for it. LDL just gets blamed because it does fill in cracks of blood vessels, and can cause blockages. It’s simply doing its job to correct insults within the body. Obv cholesterol has nothing to do with the root causes of all cardiovascular disease.

what I wonder is that if there’s less ldl, would there be less cholesterol build up within these cracks? Like would these clots be smaller? Ldl, however, has many health benefits that nobody talks about often. Everyone likes to think of HDL being the only type of cholesterol with health benefits, but LDL has many as well. I’ll link a great vid below where an interventional cardiologist named Dr. Nadir Ali talks about the benefits of LDL, along with going over studies showing that the risk of cardiovascular events/ all cause mortality decreases the higher the persons cholesterol levels are

as far as HDL being linked to increasing the risk of getting Alzheimer’s, that’s just insane. Plain and simple lol. I’ll put every cent I have on this not being the case. What will consistently be shown in time is that the higher a persons cholesterol levels are, the less risk of getting Alzheimer’s they will have. Cholesterol is very brain protective. Alzheimer’s and most cardiovascular disease have the same root causes. Chronic inflammation and chronic insulin resistance, to put it broadly. Decreasing chronic inflammation and making our cells as insulin sensitive as possible is the answer to decreasing the risk of getting Alzheimer’s/ dementia, and decreasing the risk of most cardiovascular disease, not decreasing LDL levels. Decreasing LDL levels will cause more harm than good, overall.

This is just a study interpreted by people that are still of the old way of thinking that LDL is a “bad” cholesterol. The body would never endogenously produce something that’s inherently bad for it. LDL just gets blamed because it does fill in cracks of blood vessels, and can cause blockages. It’s simply doing its job to correct insults within the body. Obv cholesterol has nothing to do with the root causes of all cardiovascular disease.

what I wonder is that if there’s less ldl, would there be less cholesterol build up within these cracks? Like would these clots be smaller? Ldl, however, has many health benefits that nobody talks about often. Everyone likes to think of HDL being the only type of cholesterol with health benefits, but LDL has many as well. I’ll link a great vid below where an interventional cardiologist named Dr. Nadir Ali talks about the benefits of LDL, along with going over studies showing that the risk of cardiovascular events/ all cause mortality decreases the higher the persons cholesterol levels are

as far as HDL being linked to increasing the risk of getting Alzheimer’s, that’s just insane. Plain and simple lol. I’ll put every cent I have on this not being the case. What will consistently be shown in time is that the higher a persons cholesterol levels are, the less risk of getting Alzheimer’s they will have. Cholesterol is very brain protective. Alzheimer’s and most cardiovascular disease have the same root causes. Chronic inflammation and chronic insulin resistance, to put it broadly. Decreasing chronic inflammation and making our cells as insulin sensitive as possible is the answer to decreasing the risk of getting Alzheimer’s/ dementia, and decreasing the risk of most cardiovascular disease, not decreasing LDL levels. Decreasing LDL levels will cause more harm than good, overall.

There's two ways of thinking about LDL? Some people believe it's the small particles that cause all the issues others believe it's total LDL.

Even when hdl gets too high it can cause issues.
There's two ways of thinking about LDL? Some people believe it's the small particles that cause all the issues others believe it's total LDL.

Even when hdl gets too high it can cause issues.
I’ve never seen one thing saying that too high of an HDL can cause any types of issues within the human body. Would love to see whatever u saw that said that

I’ve only seen evidence that the higher the total LDL the healthier the person is going to be overall. But I have seen evidence that small dense LDL particles can be an issue. I’ve never seen anything that shows that light fluffy ldl particles cause issues within the human body
I’ve never seen one thing saying that too high of an HDL can cause any types of issues within the human body. Would love to see whatever u saw that said that

I’ve only seen evidence that the higher the total LDL the healthier the person is going to be overall. But I have seen evidence that small dense LDL particles can be an issue. I’ve never seen anything that shows that light fluffy ldl particles cause issues within the human body
Here's one place that mentions about too high of HDL cholesterol. There's many more.

An unhealthy level of HDL cholesterol doesn't fall within the normal range. People who have low HDL have an unhealthy level. But a level that's too high also isn't good because it can allow atherosclerosis to progress faster. HDL levels that are too high or low can happen because of other medical issues going on.Nov 6, 2023

Access Anytime Anywhere | Cleveland Clinic › health

What To Know About HDL Cholesterol - Cleveland Clinic

Here's one place that mentions about too high of HDL cholesterol. There's many more.

Im sorry, but an article going over ways a person can lower HDL is honestly comical. It like reading an article on ways to increase triglycerides, or how to lower testosterone. There’s absolutely nothing that I’ve seen to date that shows that too high of an HDL can be an issue. I’ve literally only seen the opposite. To date, the #1 best marker, as far as how low a persons risk for cardiovascular disease is, is their HDL to triglyceride ratio. The better that ratio is, the less chance a person has at getting any type of cardiovascular disease. So ideally, a person wants their HDL to be as high as possible, and their triglyceride levels to be as low as possible.

obviously the body works in a balance system tho. The body, however, has self limiting abilities when doing the right things. From my understanding, unless a person has a medical issue/ illness that can drastically raise HDL levels, it’s impossible to have too high of an HDL level, to where it starts to negatively affect a persons health. Again, from my understanding, every person wants to do everything they can to increase their HDL as much as they possibly can
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Im sorry, but an article going over ways a person can lower HDL is honestly comical. It like reading an article on ways to increase triglycerides, or how to lower testosterone. There’s absolutely nothing that I’ve seen to date that shows that too high of an HDL can be an issue. I’ve literally only seen the opposite. To date, the #1 best marker, as far as how low a persons risk for cardiovascular disease is, is their HDL to triglyceride ratio. The better that ratio is, the less chance a person has at getting any type of cardiovascular disease. So ideally, a person wants their HDL to be as high as possible, and their triglyceride levels to be as low as possible.

obviously the body works in a balance system tho. The body, however, has self limiting abilities when doing the right things. From my understanding, unless a person has a medical issue/ illness that can drastically raise HDL levels (Not aware of any that do, but maybe they’re out there) it’s impossible to have too high of an HDL level, to where it starts to negatively affect a persons health. Again, from my understanding, every person wants to do everything they can to increase their HDL as much as they possibly can
Yes I've read years ago how high HDL levels get hurt a person. It's pretty mainstream now.
Yes I've read years ago how high HDL levels get hurt a person. It's pretty mainstream now.
Really? I’m still not seeing anywhere that proves that they do. Literally not one credible source or study that shows this. All I’ve seen is more and more evidence supporting the complete opposite

but like I’ve said, it doesn’t matter what any of our individual views are on the subject, in the end the truth always comes to light. So just have to be a bit more patient and wait for the clear defined truth on the subject come to come to light. I feel like it won’t be long, based on the speed at which this topic of research is progressing at
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