thinning hair

  1. S

    Thinning Hair on Top - Both options keep me up at night

    Let me just vent a bit - Getting old sucks ass. Unlike my nose and my ears, the hair on the top of my head is getting thin. My wife noticed it yesterday and I looked with a mirror and sure enough, it is thinning out on top. We looked over some pictures back in Feb and it was getting a tad...
  2. L

    Hair loss/thinning, 37 years old, Week 33 on TRT

    Good morning. So I'm having hair loss and thinning after 33 weeks of TRT. Overall, I feel great. Don't ever wanna go back. But needless to say, this hair loss/thinning thing is freaking me out. I've always had great hair. It's been sort of a signature feature. I went through the...
  3. Z

    Hair loss/thinning on TRT- No MPB

    Hey guys, I am going into week 7 of TRT. Protocol: 100mg/wk Test Cyp (1x/week) 500iu HCG/wk (split into 2x/week) I am 31 and have ALWAYS had a full, thick head or hair. NO ONE on my dad's or mother's side has EVER had issues with their hair so that leaves male pattern baldness out of the...