High reverse T3 the cause of high SHBG?

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Did you have morning/nocturnal wood with a high Shbg? I don’t but then idk if that’s the problem

I can’t remember about morning wood way back then unfortunately. I do remember never really having any sexual issues, when my T was low tho. My issues were more energy, mood, brain fog, and just feeling super unmotivated and very blah, and irritable, from what I can remember

SHBG won’t negatively affect sexual function, as long as u get ur free T up, from my understanding. U actually want SHBG to be moderate to high, imo. Just again, as long as u can concurrently have healthy free T levels
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Ya I think a lot of people are starting to realize that receptor sensitivity plays a big role in how people do taking exogenous compounds, and how well they do with certain levels of endogenous hormones, as well, I would assume. I think the whole insulin sensitivity stuff has really opened people’s eyes to this concept. Everyone knows insulin sensitivity/ insensitivity is a real thing, and insulin receptors can’t be the only receptors that this can happen to. I would assume it can happen to any receptor on a cell.

I’ve been watching a lot of this guys vids lately. He has really really good info, imo. And he firmly believes that a guy taking exogenous test will need higher serum levels to get the same benefits as other men do with lower, but endogenous, levels. Aka a guy on trt might need a total of 1000, to feel similar to a guy that’s natural with a total of say 500-700, for example. Is he right? Idk lol. He could be. He believes it tho, and he’s got a good grasp on HRT, imo, and has the advantage of having helped thousands of clients over the past 10 years or so

He is literally an absolute idiot.
What makes u say that? He seems like he’s got a good grasp of things, from what I’ve seen.
He literally doesn't know what he doesn't know. He provides so much misinformation but you have to know the information to know the misinformation. A lot of men unfortunately, like yourself get sucked in to his marketing. What do you think he has a good grasp on? He is an abstract surfer and presents baseline observations and not studies that actually prove causation. He suffers from severe confirmational bias and belief perseverance, and what he presents are not studies at all that supports what he's trying to say but the casual observer doesn't understand that.
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