Young Males with hormonal Issues

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Hey guys,
I am new to this forum but will be needing some guidance while I figure out my hormonal issues.
I have been on Testosterone and thyroid since I was 17. I was diagnosed with hypogonadism and Hypo-Thyroid.
It has been a long road of every doctor telling me something different.
I am currently 27 and on 400mg test weekly prescribed by my doctor, which I know is very high but it seems to be where I feel good. I am just worried about risks later in life like prostate. So I am not opposed to lowering this by any means.
Recently I was prescribed a very large dose of armour thyroid 300mg because high doses of synthroid (300mg) was not working.
I suspect from reverse t3, but I will find out when my labs come back.At this point it might be best to go to cytomel or compounded time released t3. I have battled anxiety/fatigue my whole life and the testosterone seemed to fix this problem for a while. But now with the thyroid being adjusted it has gotten worse. I am thinking my thyroid is the key to getting balance.If not the last thing I can think to attack is the adrenals.

I will post all my labs once I receive them and maybe you guys can help it has been a long crazy journey.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Like you said, post your labs and we'll have at it.

WOW, 400 mg a week...hope you're taking advantage of that in the gym LOL!

Watch your hematocrit closely with that dose. I bet it will tend to increase more quickly than using 100 mg per week of testosterone injections.

Thanks for sharing your story. Would you mind commenting on your dose? Specifically, did your doctor slowly increase your dose to 400mg or did you start on this dose?

While your dose may be high to some, we are all different.

As far as prostate concerns, I highly recommend drinking Pomegranate juice daily and limit colas....just my two cents.

I'm curious to see your labs so please post if you feel comfortable.

Based on the hell I have been through, I think an mri is needed in young males presenting with low t. Because, there could be other problems going on, and years later, they cause you way more trouble than you should have, simply because an mri was not done. Maybe I am wrong. If so, educate me.
Lab Results

Sorry I am taking so long to get back, I just got all my labs so I can post them.
and to answer the questions yes I have had a MRI and nothing was abnormal.
I am not sure if these pictures will be visible if not I can write the results out.
Chris will comment on your thyroid hormones.

Your testosterone is high. I do not see your hematocrit. Your estradiol using the old test is low. If you had used the sensitive estradiol test, it would show up even lower. Are you taking anastrozole?

Kidneys are great and your live enzymes are slightly elevated (it could be caused by supplements or working out a lot).
I agree the Testosterone was too High, I have dropped from 400mg to 300 mg test since this. Also Yes I was taking 3mg arimadex a week. I think I should drop this?
Also I saw my reverse t3 was a bit elevated so I have dropped my NP Natural thyroid from 5 grains to 4 grains.
The other thing that was low was feratin so I added some Iron. But the thing that concerned me was the Doctor said I had antibodies which might be a auto immune, I was not sure what he was talking about.

Symptoms I have been having is very fatigued and anxiety has been up.

The T numbers are stout(I'm jealous) and your E2 is great...that's a strong combo for gains in muscle mass!! Others who are more knowledgeable than me will comment on your other numbers. How do you feel?
Brody, there's a lot going on with your thyroid. Let's start with the antibodies ... Your TgAb is elevated, indicating that you could be dealing with Hashimoto's. Most doctors only test the TPO, which tests autoimmune at the enzyme level. Yours indicates an autoimmune working against the thyroglobulin protein in the thyroid. IMO, it would be good to have your physician clarify and this and make sure you are diagnosed correctly, and/or refer you to a specialist who can review it further with you.

As you can see, it's looking pretty top heavy on your FT3. Your FT4 is sitting at 40% of it's respective range value, and FT4 is over 100%. Your FT3/RT3 ratio is: 16.4. Ideally, you might like to see both FT3 and FT4 in the 50% to 80% bracket of their ranges, and most at STTM would like to see the RT3 ratio above 20, I might even push that to 25.

I would guess to say that your FT3 is pooling. It appears your T4 is compensating with converting more Reverse T3. Like the testosterone, you appear to be pushing the envelope with your NDT meds. Again, managing an NDT protocol should involve getting the FT3 and FT4 values in the 50% to 80% range, yet keeping an eye on RT3 and making sure your ratio doesn't start tanking.

When RT3 levels start to increase, it usually indicates an illness, pathology, or in most cases it will be one of the variables that gets T3 effectively into the cells of the body. This is usually iron or cortisol related. The ferritin lab you provided could very well be a culprit with keeping FT3 at bay. Talk with your physician about an elemental iron regiment that can help this, and look at including therapeutic dosages of Vitamin C.

I would suggest you hold off on donating blood for the time being, as this will only reduce your ferritin even more. By looking at your numbers, I'm guessing you probably donate? Regardless, look into doing what it takes to get that number more in the 60 - 90 range, which will be a major catalyst with getting FT3 into the cells as mentioned above. Also, it's really hard to make heads or tails with your cortisol lab. At some point, please look into getting a 4x saliva kit. Maybe this could be looked at on your next follow up labs.

If it were me, I'd back way the heck off the NDT meds until some of these other areas get caught up. All that thyroid medication isn't doing any good if it isn't getting into the body. Pooling can lead to other issues, basically on the level of thyroid storming. It wouldn't hurt to get your Vitamin D up 20 or 30 points as well. It would also be good to see magnesium and calcium on future labs.
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