New Member
Hi I have just joined this forum and this is a thread that greatly interests me. I'm 38 now but been suffering side effects of Accutane since 24.
Over the last 10 years I've tried many different protocols with liitle success. (Too much to list)
My symptoms started a few weeks after I stopped the drug, but they hit hard. ED and libido were the main problems along with severe joint pain and emotional numbness. Although I don't get pains anymore the sexual sides are still bad and got worse (genital shrinkage). Emotional numbness is still there, I wouldn't call it depression but more that I feel emotionally disconnected and just not bothered by things.
Currently I'm on sustanon 50mg (0.2ml) every 5 days and HCG 500iu MWF.
It's important to point out that when I first started HCG it was excellent for 3 months great libido and erections and HCG also improved the mental sides, I had the 'zest for life' again. Then in the fourth month all that vanished much to my disappointment. I still don't know why that happened. I am currently in my 5 month of HCG being added to my protocol but the benefits I had in the first 3 months are gone.
I was so excited when the HCG was working I thought I was on the road to recovery when it stopped I was devastated but it prompted me to post my experience for the first time. Sorry if this post is really long, any help and feedback from you guys is much appreciated.
I’ve had a lot of the same symptoms. When I initially started trt I felt like a million bucks but they tapered off after 4-5 months. I’ve had a long journey with it. I personally believe accutane did something to my body regarding permanently lowering Dht. When I take just test injections I don’t feel well and when I take androgel I feel great for the first while but then start to feel shitty. For me I believe just injections give me a state of low dht high estrogen, and just androgel gives me too high dht and lower estrogen. I’ve found a protocol mixed with both works the best but I’ve never been able to regain that first 4-6 months feel I had when first started.