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  1. J

    Blood with shallow shoulder injection

    Did a shallow injection into my shoulder with a 25ga 5/8" needle, and a lot of blood came out instantly after. Looked like it had some oil in it too. Is there a need to re-inject or am I good? Not sure because the injection was so shallow.
  2. J

    Oil leakage after shoulder injection

    Hey Guys, I've been doing injections of test cyp in my left shoulder with a 27ga 1/2" needle and some leaks out almost every time. Does anyone have any idea why this is? Is it because the needle I'm using isn't long enough? and Do I need to be worried I'm not getting my full dosage?
  3. J

    Swollen/large lump after glute injection

    This isn't testosterone related, but I figured someone on here may know about this... i injected 5ml of a tri amino blend (citrulline/ornithine/arginine) in my glute the other day and now a couple of days later it looks swollen with a huge lump on my butt cheek if I flex it. It also hurts...
  4. J

    Question about subQ injection

    Is using a 31ga 5/16" insulin syringe ok to inject subq into the abdomen? I have pretty low body fat and these are the only size needles that don't seem to cause pain for days after the injection.
  5. J

    Shoulder injection pain

    Hey guys, I recently started doing injections in my shoulder of .30 ml of test cyp with a 27ga 1/2" needle. My left shoulder in the deltoid is now hurting a lot and the muscle looks like it's popping out and or swollen. The last injection I did was on Friday. Has this happened to anyone?
  6. J

    Lumps with subQ in injections

    Hey guys, I keep getting a hard lump after I do my subQ injection into my belly. I've been using a 27ga 1/2" needle. What am I doing wrong? I've been training a lot and my body fat has been dropping drastically, I'm probably around 8% body fat now. Should I start injecting somewhere else...
  7. J

    HCG Loose in vial

    Hey guys, sometimes my HCG is dislodged from the bottom of the vial and is loose inside the vial when it gets to me. It actually happens with my GH too. Is this ok/normal?
  8. J

    Latest blood work/high SHBG

    What do you guys think, Currently on 50mg of test cyp 2x per week, Thursday morning Sunday night. 500iu HCG 2x per week. Labs were taken Monday, next day after shot.
  9. J

    lots of blood after injection

    After I did my injection tonight, quite a bit of blood leaked out. Normally a drop of blood comes out but this was more like a dribble. I've never seen that much before. I aspirated to make sure I wasn't in a vessel when I injected and I was fine so I don't know what happened. Is this normal to...
  10. J

    Thoughts/Advice/Suggestions on blood work and testosterone dosage

    Hey guys, Here are some labs I just got back, that were taken while I was on 80mg of Test cyp a week: -PEAK(2 days after shot)- TOTAL TESTOSTERONE: 890, RANGE: 250-1100 ng/dl FREE TESTOSTERONE: 117.9, RANGE: 46-224 pg/dl BIOAVAILABLE TESTOSTERONE: 237.4, RANGE: 110-575 ng/dl SHBG...
  11. J

    Question about follow up blood work on T-Gel

    Hey Guys, going in for follow ups tomorrow to see if the gel works for me just had a couple of questions: Do you apply the Gel the morning of the day of blood work? A couple of hours before you go in to get your blood drawn? or do you apply the night before?
  12. J

    Hcg and thyroid

    Does hcg affect thyroid function?
  13. J

    Switching from cytomel and synthroid to naturethroid/Westhroid

    Hey guys, currently I'm on 100mcgs of synthroid and 20mcgs of cytomel. I'm still not feeling that great. Still fatigued and wake up with a swollen tongue ect. i want to switch to naturethroid or Westhroid. I was looking at the conversion charts though and it doesn't make any sense. It says...
  14. J

    Question about SubQ

    I've been reading a lot about SubQ injections of Test cyp... looks pretty promising. Right now I'm experimenting going back to gel from IM injections to see how the gel works for me. Before I was doing 80mg per week IM injections. I was kind of moody so I was thinking it was because of the peaks...
  15. J

    changing up my protocol... thoughts?

    thinking of switching back to 5g compounded gel from shots. I've been doing 80mg of test cyp a week and my levels are good, I always absorbed the gels well, but wanted to see what the difference was with injections. Here's what I'm thinking for switching back: Applying 150mg of gel 5 days...
  16. J

    Raising DHT with injections

    How does one raise DHT while on injections of Test Cyp? I know gels tend to convert more to DHT. I tried gel before, but like injections a lot better. My DHT levels are low with injections though. I've heard about putting Test gel on the testes for more DHT conversion. Would it be a smart idea...
  17. J

    how to use hcg with T Gels

    How do you guys dose your hcg? do you alternate days with T gel and HCG? So one day gel the next day just an injection of 250-500iu HCG? or do you apply the gel with hcg injections?
  18. J

    Need some help and advice

    Hey guys A couple of months ago, beginning of march to be exact, I switched from compounded gel of 10-15 mg a day to Injections of 200mg/wk. I was doing the injections for a couple of weeks and then my doctor upped my dosage one week to 400mg which we obviously found to be too much, so we went...
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