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  1. M

    Another newbie

    Journey Log - 1 Hello again all! Today I began my TRT journey - Monday, October 7, 2013. Protocol: 100mg testosterone cypionate 1x/week. I've already revised this to 50mg 2x/week. I made this choice after reading Nelson's book, reading the posts and advice in the Facebook group, and speaking...
  2. M

    Another newbie

    Thanks for the warm welcome gents! Gene - I did receive a diagnosis of hypogonadism - total T was 203, 221, 305 on three separate draws over almost 24-months. The 305 "outlier" was likely because of some supplements I had been taking during several months leading up to the last draw. I had...
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    Another newbie

    Greetings all, Introduction/about me: I'm a male, 42, married, with the required 2.2 children. For many, many moons, I've experienced the normal litany of low testosterone symptoms: fatigue depression (medicated) a Wile E. Coyote like anvil drop in sexual desire and performance obesity -...
  4. M

    Your Expectations as a Registered Member

    Nelson and ExcelMale team: First, thanks for putting this together. As a well-researched, but total newbie to actual TRT, my hope is that this forum becomes THE go-to place on the internet for ACCURATE TRT information. There are a whole host of forums and sites on-line that have information...
Buy Lab Tests Online