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  1. K

    Off TRT for over 3 months, interesting results

    I've had similar issues after my vasectomy, but no one believes it's a cause. My testosterone and sperm count used to be so high before I had mine that I had to have two vasectomies as I broke the cautery where they snipped it. Every since the second snip, I started to lose libido. I was finally...
  2. K

    Off TRT for over 3 months, interesting results

    The studies people use to dislike AIs are referencing it for its original purpose in women. It's a bit unknown what long-term issues may occur, but we know that a man needs some estrogen, which probably needs to reflect his SHBG 1:1.
  3. K

    HMG while on TRT for fertility

    Often Clomid doesn't show great numbers because your testes over aromatize the excess testosterone almost immediately to estrogens. But some guys tolerate it well and don't have they effect.
  4. K

    Worsening Symptoms, "Dead Penis"

    For what it's worth, I've taken enclomiphene for 4-5 months as I noticed I just felt better on it but was not running HCG simultaneously. My testicles were more full but certainly not at their baseline size, but my HDL and LDL kept getting worse. After some research, I found that these are...
  5. K

    Worsening Symptoms, "Dead Penis"

    Six weeks minimum after first starting TRT to know how you respond and check labs. This is the way. There's an odd phenomenon that occurs in your brain when you've been hypogonadal and that has to reset while being on a regular dose. Six weeks to give time for your testes to shut off and be...
  6. K

    Waking up to urinate 2 or 3 times during the night?

    Sorry for the late reply. Its antimicrobial effect isn't its primary mechanism of action. Scientists have elucidated several mechanisms already and how berberine interacts with the cholesterol pathway as well as activating AMPK by inhibiting glucose oxidation in mitochondria. Both mechanisms...
  7. K

    Waking up to urinate 2 or 3 times during the night?

    I am surprised no one's mentioned the most common culprit in middle-aged men on TRT, and that's obstructive sleep apnea.
  8. K

    Waking up to urinate 2 or 3 times during the night?

    I take berberine every day, too, and have done that for about six months. My fasting glucoses were good before and are stellar now. However, I wouldn't say it has no gastric side effects. The common form of berberine is prone to cause loose stools until your body gets habituated to it. The...
  9. K

    This video is commonly linked as an example of a VG injection; however, it doesn't match up with figures I've seen online.

    Right. And it's a reasonably accessible and painless injection site. The key to finding the most mass of the muscle to inject into is to laterally rotate your foot with your hand in that general area, and when you feel the muscle tense up, you go in the middle of that.
  10. K

    Anyone using hcg and pregnenelone together ?

    Vince, Are you targeting the lab values? I did the same regimen and didn't notice much. Occasionally if I stopped the dhea for a week, I thought it helped with my libido. But it wasn't a significant effect.
  11. K

    Can my Testosterone be too High?

    The other gentleman mentioned the free testosterone to estrogen ratio mattered more than total as SHBG has a substantial effect on free values and buffers estrogen. Do you know what that ratio is?
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