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  1. S

    Clinical Trial with Enobosarm to Treat Muscle Loss Associated with Weight Loss Drugs

    Small ignored fact - Ostarine is suppressive. Best is to lose weight in the old fashioned way OR get on drug 1, then on drug 2 for the side effects of drug 1, then on drug 3 for the side effects of drug 2 .... you get the picture.
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    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    Rifaximin acts locally in the intestines, very little of it is absorbed. Ritabutin is systemically absorbed with the corresponding harsh side effects and is not a replacement. If you can get better without antibiotics, best is to not take Rifaximin. It may get you in dysbiosis because it does...
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    Berberine, slow the progression of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson's Disease.

    Mine was a combo Berberine HCL with Bismuth etc for H. Pyllori. I made Amazon refund it due to side effects:
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    Berberine, slow the progression of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson's Disease.

    I have taken Berberine and it gave me the exact side effects in the Amazon reviews so don't underestimate the negative reviews on Amazon. I cite the reviews because they are more than just my experience.
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    Berberine, slow the progression of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson's Disease.

    Berberine HCL gets the same types of negative reviews on Amazon. Keep in mind, the Amazon reviews are very skewed towards positive, so usually the negative reviews carry the truth and more than 5% of 1-star reviews show that there is a problem. If you decide to try it, make sure you can return...
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    Where to get Testosterone prescriptions?

    I'd say, try to lower the dose to get around 700 total T, to satisfy the new doctor. I don't believe a trough level of 700 and "between 800-1000" is a massive difference in terms of effects or side effects.
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    Berberine, slow the progression of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder and Parkinson's Disease.

    Berberine is indeed a systemic anti-inflammatory but can irritate intestines, causing the corresponding upset stomach, nausea, and throwing up. Currently, 9% negative reviews on which is too high for something claiming to be beneficial:
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    On top of that, this dubious "research" was paid by Palatin Technologies, the manufacturer of Vyleesi® (bremelanotide injection). Not trustworthy to me. Seems like the article is just disguised marketing.
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    The relevant question is what percent of the patients remained on bremelanotide for longer than 6 months, instead of switching to viagra/cialis/levitra. Over 46 months, only 444 dispenses of bremelanotide? That is like 10 dispences/month. Doesn't seem much for a sexual health clinic. 73% of the...
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    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    Stress can provoke ulcers but is unavoidable response to financial difficulties. It won't stop until you find a job with more financial security. Don't forget you can try intestinal anti-inflammatories like Smecta or Pepto-Bismol. The antibiotic Rifaximin that I suggested is unique because it's...
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    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    You can do another stool test for H. Pylori to see if it's eradicated. This is usually done at least 1 month after the last antibiotic pill, to give it time to proliferate and be detected by the test. The fact you pain is gone for a month after antibiotics, suggests infectious origin. It may be...
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    Low DHEA question

    Did you go to a gastroenterologist to do all the testing for inflammatory bowel diseases, intestinal infections, gastritis, colitis, upper endoscopy and colonoscopy? If low DHEA is involved in your intestinal pain, popping a DHEA pill should resolve it. Or it may cover it up, because DHEA may...
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    Low DHEA question

    If you have chronic abdominal pain, the logical thing is to investigate your digestive tract. It may be a time coincidence the pain started when you were taking trenbolone. Not everything is about hormones. A good intestinal anti-inflammatory is 5g (teaspoon) L-Glutamine in a cup of water. You...
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    On demand neuroactive nasal spray for social anxiety disorders

    It seems to be acting on GABA, like benzos. Unlikely to be drastically different in effects and side effects.
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    Blood Work Questions

    I am surprised that at such a relatively high TRT dose, the RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit are not higher? I think 8 weeks on such TRT is enough time for these parameters to rise. Could it be the lack of carbs?
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    DHEA + AI instead of TRT / Marcus Gitterle

    The AI by itself does increase the free T by reducing T conversion to E. The role of DHEA is not clear because it doesn't increase T in men, it converts to E mostly, which shouldn't be affected by the AI because it does not work directly on E. The effects of AI or DHEA on other hormones or...
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    Whats wrong with me...

    So far you have some form of neuropathy (nerve damage) and maybe varicose veins (blood vessel damage). Are you currently having any symptoms of an infection: stuffy nose, headaches, fevers, blisters etc? Do you have muscle weakness in the numb hand or foot? Seeing a Neurology doctor is a must...
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    TRT and ED improvement in honeymoon phase

    During the honeymoon, the influx of extra testosterone gives you a kind of high and keeps the nervous system in high gears. That improves all symptoms. It goes away because the brain adjusts neuroreceptors and becomes less responsive to the new levels of testosterone. So the TRT honeymoon is...
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    Anemic with very low BP's since starting trt gel

    Instead of spending months on theories, the easiest thing to do is to stop the Androgel and you will see if your symptoms go away. If they don't, you have something else going on, not related to TRT or testosterone. Then you should definitely go see a general care doctor. Endocrinologists...
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    TRT Bloodwork results/questions for 33 YO

    Assuming it is not something else, like recent Covid which can fuck up your nervous system (abnormal resting heart rate), I would try lower doses of testosterone. With your low SHBG, your current free T is close to the upper boundary of normal. That is your LOWEST value before the next...
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    Enclomiphene restart - how long?

    Being cold most of the time suggests suppressed thyroid - this may be related to your low carb diet and intermittent fasting. Start eating normal amount of carbs and see if that improves your symptoms and the T restart. Do you count the calories per day? They may be too low. People on carnivore...
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    Posting friends Blood test results - Very Low T-Levels?

    Your friend is sick of something: blood and white blood cells in urine, elevated neutrophils, elevated hemoglobin and hematocrit, elevated bilirubin. He has to go to a doctor. Until this is resolved and blood tests repeated to see what his normal state is, I wouldn't do any TRT. Being sick can...
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    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    It depends on your desired improvement and only testing can answer that. Increase of 200 ng/dL in total testosterone is not insignificant.
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    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    500iu HCG EOD is a mild dose and probably will recover faster after stopping. The expected increase in total testosterone is about 200 ng/dL while on it.
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    Does HCG suppress to the same extent as exogenous testosterone? I want to take HCG for fertility reasons, but when I come off, will have low T levels?

    If injecting HCG leads to the same level circulating testosterone as TRT, it should suppress the LH and FSH (pituitary hormones), just like TRT. The only difference is that with HCG, you are producing the testosterone in the testes instead of injecting it. After you stop HCG, your pituitary...
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    1 Mineral for Everything: Magnesium

    Virtually all studies on Magnesium are observational. High level of circulating magnesium in the blood indicate a healthy diet, not a magnesium supplementation. The better health is most probably an overall effect of the healthy diet, not of the magnesium alone. That means, if you just...
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    High Testosterone Blood Levels May Increase Mortality

    Unconvincing: the actual data is not presented very few deaths are expected within 5 years in a group of 75 men with testosterone > 1000, so the statistics signal is not strong very few variables are controlled in the regression, so causation is not convincing the higher testosterone is...
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    Magnesium and the Hallmarks of Aging

    Reducing the enormous complexity of aging to lack of one mineral is delusional. If it was that easy as supplying more magnesium to older people, Mother Nature would have done it already for billions years of evolution. Nutritional medicine is currently at the level of pseudo-science. Don't...
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    Identification of a leucine-mediated threshold effect governing macrophage mTOR signalling and cardiovascular risk

    Another "study". Basically they prove that feeding the immune system with a fast absorbing energy source (we already knew about sugar, now it is leucine from protein isolates): (1) activates mTOR, (2) leads to acceleration of atherosclerosis in rats genetically engineered to develop...
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    Questions re. finding the optimal dose and testing

    DHT is measured when you have emerging side effects of TRT (acne, balding, increased prostate PSA test) or lack of the expected sexual boost on TRT. It's not necessary as an initial test and can be skipped, if its expensive or hard to do...
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