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  1. W

    Hypogonadal: But With One Test in Normal Range?

    Thanks, Vince. I will look into seeing an Endo. (I had my annual physical the other day, and the GP said it was unnecessary to have a prostate exam. On the one hand I was happy to hear this (!) but on the other I wonder if that protocol applies to those on TRT. I asked the GP about this, and he...
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    Hypogonadal: But With One Test in Normal Range?

    Thanks for your reply. Do you think that the lab test of 580 total T after four months of being off TRT was a fluke? 340 seems to be my norm when off TRT, but maybe that's because of relative lack of sleep. I wouldn't mind having 580 as my baseline, although I think the free T level that came...
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    Hypogonadal: But With One Test in Normal Range?

    I went on TRT in 2012, with one blood test showing total T at 226 (range 350-1150) and a second one a week later at 310 (same range). Because I took these tests a few days after a trip abroad, I wondered if the low results might have been due to sleep deprivation/jet lag. In many ways I felt...
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    Testosterone's Protective Qualities on Pain

    Hi Smokin Joe, i use Axiron gel, two pumps per day. It has gotten my fee and total T numbers up, and all my other blood work is in line. Things started to head south for me when I developed the cervical hernias. I'm not sure if declining levels of testosterone led to getting them, or whether I...
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    Testosterone's Protective Qualities on Pain

    Hi Duane, Basically, I have trouble finding words, and I think my memory for them is much worse. I specified "verbal memory" because I don't know if my spatial memory is affected -- I don't think it is. I have always been a very anxious person, but trt has had a huge anti-anxiety effect. This...
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    Testosterone's Protective Qualities on Pain

    Test and pain I've had the same experiences. Pain from herniated cervical disks largely went away when I started testosterone, and came back within weeks when I stopped taking it. After three months, I ended up going back on the testosterone because I didn't want to take anti-inflammatories...
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