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  1. S

    Does Testosterone increase HGH?

    I have tried to research this and have got different opinions. I would think it does as when I used to train heavy my bones for sure got thicker, and my jaw increased in size? Anyone have any feedback?
  2. S

    Hello greetings from Los Angeles Im new here

    Thank you guys! I know I do have alot questions though (should I PM you?). I been out of the game now for quite awhile, but am very excited and positive that my passion and desire for training has come back. Slowly but surely my Brothers in Iron, its never to late! Thank you for the welcome.
  3. S

    Hello greetings from Los Angeles Im new here

    Hey everybody, My name is Shawn... stumbled across this site as I havent used forums in many years. Im gonna be 39 next month (times flies!) and I am seriously researching TRT as I need it, and need to be pointed in the right direction.. and hopefully this will be my start here at ExcelMale...
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