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  1. J

    Tired of these weak erections on TRT. Can't seem to find a solutions after 4 years.

    My lowest Total Testosterone reading before TRT was in the 170ng/dl range. At that time, I had no erection issues. 10mg of tadalafil or 20mg of sildenafil would light me up all night. I would have sex every day at times when the wife was willing. Once I started TRT, that quickly moved to 4x...
  2. J

    Recurring bouts of weak erections on TRT

    I've been on TRT for almost a year. I've seen mostly positive effects. I never had a weak libido or erection difficulties before TRT. I've had one recurring issue of weak erections. It seems to happen after my acclimates to a particular protocol. In the beginning I started at 100mg/week...
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