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  1. C

    Urologist suggest correlation between hematocrit and T....but none exist in my medical history.

    I have hematocrit levels around 50% since the day I started at this clinic more than 10 years ago. I get my blood tested every 4-6 months and there has never been a significant change in my Hematocrit. However, my testosterone has been as high as 1400 and as low as 33. With such a significant...
  2. C

    Is there a hormonal explanation for extreme reaction to testosterone?

    I had relatively low testosterone when I started TRT at the minimum dosage every two weeks. Although I have been told that it is all in my head, I swear that I could taste it when the nurse did the first shot (and every shot I have ever done). I immediately get a tingling sensation up my back...
  3. C

    Help Make Sense of Test Results

    I just got very strange test results that I don't understand. On 10/8/19, I had 1538.1 ng/dl and had just taken my shot of 100 ng/dl on 10/5 On 9/30/19, I had 102.8 ng/dl and had not taken any testosterone for 2 weeks. On 7/23/18 I had 171.5 ng/dl and had done my shot of 50 ng/dl within 1 week...
  4. C

    Resources Needed To Debunk Testosterone and Heart Attack Connection

    I have been using Pubmed to compile a list of articles in the hopes of outlining the 2015 hype that prompted the FDA announcement about TRT. I have a meeting with my Doctor tomorrow and want to provide him a comprehensive list of current technical articles that show that TRT has significant...
  5. C

    New User

    Hey all, I'm introducing myself as a new user to ExcelMale. I have been visiting this site for a long while, but only recently joined the forums to get some direct information if possible. I started TRT about 3 years ago when my T levels were just at the recommended cutoff for non-HIV infected...
Buy Lab Tests Online