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    Issues with Empower Pharmacy

    Anyone else had trouble getting ahold of Empower pharmacy in the last few weeks. I’ve been trying to call in a rx refill and I just get put on hold no one’s picked up. They’ve been great up until now. Might have to switch pharmacies. Any recommendations in the US that ships to CA?
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    Controlling hematocrit. Lower dosage?

    I’ve been on TRT for about four years now. Started with the Test Cyp for the first few years. Recently my compounding pharmacy has only offered a test cyp/prop 160/40 blend. I’ve been on 80mg/2x week with .25mg anastrozole/2x week and have been noticing my hematocrit levels starting to creep up...
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    Excessive bleeding from injection

    I recently switched my pins from a 25g 1.5in to a 23g 1.5in. I inject in the glute 2x/week IM at 80mg with a test blend that I get from my pharmacy. This morning I went to inject with the 23g and when I pulled the needle out it bled more than usual. Enough to soak all the blood up with a decent...
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