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  1. M

    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    On paper no. SSRIs like Prozac block reuptake of serotonin into your neurons. So they are not providing any new serotonin but rather inhibiting reuptake of what you already have…. In laymen terms, just keeping your existing serotonin from being broken down too quickly.
  2. M

    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Sorry for typo. Does not solve chemical imbalance.
  3. M

    Waking every night . 3am every morning

    Had the same problem. I am also low serotonin. You said you were previously on antidepressant. Keep in mind that testosterone drives up dopamine. In my case low serotonin levels at night and higher dopamine would result in in waking up at 3 am. I take 5htp, taurine, melatonin and passion flower...
  4. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    No worries! I did not take it that way. You have made some good points in your posts. After sleeping on it, I have decided to cut my dose by 25mg. I went back and looked at some things and realized that when I tried lower doses other things were out of whack such as high dht conversion and hgh...
  5. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    I respectfully disagree. I have been on the low end at 100mg and even at current dose at different times. Also, I am not an old guy. Again, I have secondary hypo. Obviously, we have different goals. Nothing wrong with that. I am glad your dose meets your goals. I am not trying to imitate anybody...
  6. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    Thanks FD, good information. I am going to avoid the iron. Have had 2 hard workouts since donating Sunday and I feel good. Going to go with the Apo and IP6 and hopefully get away from the donations. This combo did not bottom me out just lower limit of normal earlier in the summer. What messed me...
  7. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    Yes I am aware of that. Dosage adjustments and frequency of injections made no difference. I should have said settled at 125mg dose instead of working way down to it. I also based dose on my levels of free testosterone. My free levels are at the high end of normal. This is the most important...
  8. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    I am like you scared to try it. I donated Sunday and feel pretty good right now. I will say I did see a benefit from using Apolactoferrin and IP6. My hct lowered and stayed low over the summer. I then started using Colostrum instead of Apolactoferrin and it rose again. So, after this last...
  9. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    Also for reference sake I have been on trt for 5 years. Low shbg guy around 20. Sub q daily dosing. Levels around 850. Everything dialed in except the donating merry go round. HCT increases regardless of dose. Without donating HCT creeps up to 54. After donation HCT goes down. Ferritin and iron...
  10. M

    Raising ferritin FAST (a how-to, not a question)

    So based on your research and experience, are you saying that taking 30 mg of your specified iron supplement everyday long term could theoretically lower hematocrit and increase ferritin because daily dosing would increase hepcidin and therefore increase iron storage resulting in lower serum or...
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