Recent content by Banarep

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  1. B

    Banarep update

    Will do, Chris.
  2. B

    Banarep update

    Quick background: 61 year old male been on and off treatment for the past 14 months. My doctor was okay but did not really understand TRT treatment completely. Was okay with HGC, but was trying to give me way too must test (200 mg a week) and did not understand the need for estradiol testing...
  3. B

    HCG Loose in vial

    It should not matter.
  4. B

    Need a new doc in or near Dallas, Texas

    Am in need of a new doc. If anyone here is in the Dallas, Texas area and have any suggestions, please let me know. My current doc, while great on giving me test and HCG does not completely understand all the other issues that can develop and how to really treat them. Specifically, I need...
  5. B

    latest numbers and a question

    I want to add that prior to changing my protocol, I was doing .75 ml of test and 500 ml of hcg every Saturday. That changed one week prior to the last blood work. I think I am going to wait a few weeks and see if the new protocol will bring my estradiol down. thoughts on this?
  6. B

    latest numbers and a question

    Pharmacist to,d me I could not cut them. Can I
  7. B

    latest numbers and a question

    Total Test 994 Estradiol 61 (ultrasensitive quest) PSA 1.3 Doc wants me on meds anastrozole 1mg every other day - I know this is way too much, but he will not listen. I have just (two weeks ago) started on this regiment: .25 ml's cyp...
  8. B

    Why All Men Should be Tested with the Sensitive Estradiol Test

    So where does one go to get the sensitive test and is there any difference between labs? labcorp vs. quest
  9. B

    does everyone get acne

    I know this is a strange question, but I consistently read about the acne that HRT causes and I keep waiting for it to happen to me...but nothing. Again, not complaining, but am just curious.
  10. B

    Blood work at week 8

    Gene, I am going in with this list of tests that you have posted. 1 ------- Estradiol- ultrasensitive [Quest Labs code 30289](range < 29) (Labcorp code: 140244) (baseline, week 6 or 8, month 6) 2 ------- Testosterone, Free, Bio/Total (LC/MS/MS) (baselines, week 6-8, month 6, then yearly) 3...
  11. B

    Blood work at week 8

    I have hardly any excess body fat. he will not give me the sensitive test. i will go back at ask for one this week.
  12. B

    Blood work at week 8

    so the doc has given me anastrozole 1mg to take twice a week. seems excessive from what I have read. thoughts anyone.
  13. B

    Blood work at week 8

    Gene, got another question. Doc wants me to go an an AI now. I am thinking about waiting and give this new pro tidal a chance to work. thoughts?
  14. B

    Blood work at week 8

    Will do, as always appreciate the advice.
  15. B

    Blood work at week 8

    75 mg. Just got got lowered from 100
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