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  1. 4

    Infrequent dosing to avoid shutdown…

    basically any amount of exogenous test, is likely going to shut you down over the long term. I guess if you were doing like 10 mg a week, you may still have some natural production. I don't know if anyone is going to know the answer to your question
  2. 4

    Oral testosterone. Who's on it?

    Do you see the same hematocrit issues with orals, that you do with injections?
  3. 4

    Oral testosterone. Who's on it?

    Who here is on some form of oral. jatenzo/Kyzatrex? What has it done for you? What are your numbers? Has RBC increases been as much as a problem for you on the orals? How is your liver tests? Thank you
  4. 4

    enclomphiene moving to Test

    I don't like the idea of being on the medication long term. I believe I had some eye floaters at 12.5, didn't want to double dose. Also, I plan to leave the country next year and where I am going enclo is not available for Test is
  5. 4

    enclomphiene moving to Test

    I was on enclo at 12.5mg per day for about 6-7 months. The first month, I felt good and registered a total T of 620 and free test almost midway range. Last test at same dosage came in at 470, and free t, at bottom of range. Knowing that most move to T. And I didn't want to double dosage to 25mg...
  6. 4

    Any new discoveries on Low SHBG curse ?

    I'm a newbie here. I can't understand why having a low SHBG would cause issues on TRT. To me it seems(from reading) If you had a lower SHBG, you would need less mg per week of T, because there is less SHBG to bind to the T and the result would be higher free T(what counts) compared to someone...
  7. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    Just an update. I tried going to 12.5 every OTHER day for the last month or so. Really I am just trying to get a feel of where I feel best and to ensure the symptoms I am feeling and get relief from, is really low T. Over the last few weeks. I have started to get dry skin,dry eyes, lower energy...
  8. 4

    So who is happy with TRT? Who wish they never started?

    @Ribeye good news. glad for you. Can you share what your protocol is? Did you have success right off the bat or did you have to adjust? Thank you
  9. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    @PhilM7 wow only twice a week. I am wondering how that will work for you. I have been toying with doing EOD. I am 600+ after one month, most thing I read, that if i continue everyday, i will see further increases for another month or so before leveling off. Also wondering if EOD, makes the eye...
  10. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    @PhilM7 I have noticed the same and you might be right. How long have you been on enclomiphene. What have been your results with symptoms and numbers? Any other sides then what you just indicated? I am not a huge fan of eye effects. Have your floaters changed at all since being on it?
  11. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    @mcs I understand thats the theory, but honestly I don't think thats ever been proven. Many medications appear to have eye floaters as a side effect. I'll ask my urologist next week and see what they think
  12. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    @Vince right. But systemlord seems to be indicating its starving your eyes for estrogen?
  13. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    @Systemlord Thank you. I don't think anyone knows what receptors enclomiphene or clomid actually block. we know it blocks the pituitary area/feedback loop. But it certainly doesn't lower estrogen in the body as mine went up. We also know since I got sensitive nipples it doesn't block that...
  14. 4

    Lab results, first month on enclomiphene

    I started enclomiphene about a month ago, after 2 labs came back with total T of 220 and 330. 12.5mg per day. I noticed a pick up in energy, libido, and some of the aches and pains I have had for awhile, just disappeared. I had dry eyes about zoloft and lasik, and noticed increased tear...
  15. 4

    Do I qualify for HRT? Posting my Blood Test Results.

    By your test results, I would think you would qualify. However, your RBC's are already high. Which will go up on TRT
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