Can Testosterone Induce Blood Clots and Thrombosis? Interview with Dr Charles Glueck

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Scary stuff! I have hypercholesterolemia probably genetically and I havebeen on statins since 15 years by now. Never had any side effects. Withmedication I manage to have 220-230 mg/dl (TT) and without meds 300+ I also havehigh levels triglycerides that I also medicate. I could basically drink only water and still have high levels. But so far I manage to keep my Hemoglobin and Hematocrit under the upper limits.

So my question would be what can I supplement to keep my blood lessthick? I already supply with Omega3.
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I'm a 51 year old male I was on orally troche for TRT for over 1.5 years with no problems. Test levels never got to adequate levels. After switching doctors I been taking 100 mg injections 1 per week along with .25 anastrazol. After 4.5 months developed significant PE and DVT switch both required surgery to remove. After a full blood panel was ran and pet scan given with no conclusion on the cause. Hematologist confirmed no hereditary causes were found. To this point I have not talked to one doctor that relates the TRT with the PE. For the first year received 5 mg eliquise 2 per day and now taking 2.5 mg 2 per day with no recurring problems. I am considering starting TRT again but this thread is the first I have I found that relates the two. Any advice would be appreciated
My recent story.

I am 57, not on TRT, but was taking Clomid. Thursday I was diagnosed with DVT / clot in my left calf and put on Xarelto 15mg twice daily. Although I initially could not remember an injury, after the shock of diagnosis wore off I recalled taking a sharp blow to my leg (in the location of the clot) in March, which stayed sore a few weeks but then went away.

So about 7-10 days ago, my symptoms became evident, which were in my calf, like a cramping feeling, tenderness, and a feeling like it was swollen although this was not really obvious. Another occasional symptom, more worrisome, was a slight cough (along with the injury in March, another thing I forgot to tell the PCP about). My left calf measured 1 inch greater than my right. So I was getting worried as after 1 week it was not getting better and I felt really weary and like a depression came over me, so I called the doctor's office and they were able to get me in the next day. On first inspection my PCP did not think it was a clot. However after the doctor visit, I was sent for imaging. Ultrasound was performed and confirmed the clot. The Xarelto was prescribed so I started on it that day.

I was also seeing the PCP in regards to TRT and reconsidering it. He said if I had a clot it would rule out any TRT. At the time of the exam with him I could not recall an injury, so he is unaware of that. Also said Clomid could increase clotting risk, he pulled me off it. He ordered blood work in a few weeks. The blood work is basic, CMP, etc and includes T level. But it appears any TRT will be a struggle with this PCP.

So basically after reviewing information on this thread, my understanding is that TRT would increase my risk only if I was considered a "clotter". At this point, I do not think I have thrombophilia, but instead consider this as an isolated incident, related to the injury. If I am not a "clotter" then TRT should be ok.

At any rate this is serious stuff and everybody should be aware of it. Not sure how long I'll be on the Xarelto but the prescription goes out three months. My calf is feeling better after a few days on the blood thinner. I also got some compression socks wearing 24/7 for now.

I am sorry that you are going through this.

I would talk to your doctor about running these tests as mentioned by Dr Glueck in the first post of this thread. They may be paid by insurance in your case.

"The 4 tests we would do include Factor V Leiden, Prothrombin gene, Factor VIII and Factor XI, all routinely available commercially at Lab Corp and Quest (big national labs), and at almost all regional labs as well. In our experience these tests are routinely covered by insurance. If not covered, I would estimate that the cost would be expensive, $800."
I would like to say thanks to this forum and Nelson for doing this interview, i went thru Doc G and had everything tested, came back awesome, no jak3, no issues on anything...but had a small clot in my left calve last may,

on another note:
xarelto destroyed me, for the 3-4 months i was on it and have never felt the same since....but i do not have any issues according to my blood work doc g sent a script to me for...
I would like to say thanks to this forum and Nelson for doing this interview, i went thru Doc G and had everything tested, came back awesome, no jak3, no issues on anything...but had a small clot in my left calve last may,

on another note:
xarelto destroyed me, for the 3-4 months i was on it and have never felt the same since....but i do not have any issues according to my blood work doc g sent a script to me for...
Good news. Are you hydrating well and taking a baby aspirin at least? Also keep an eye on your hematocrit.
I concur on the Xarelto, I was on it for 3 months. it took me six months or more to recover. Then 1 year later this May the clot in my left calf came back. I asked for something other than Xarelto and have been on Eliquis without any issues. My comprehensive deep dive blood work came back clear, too so that was good. But because this was my 2nd clot they want to keep me on the blood thinner indefinitely, with the plan to go to a lower dose after the clot is gone, which I think it is. Getting re-scanned next month.
I concur on the Xarelto, I was on it for 3 months. it took me six months or more to recover. Then 1 year later this May the clot in my left calf came back. I asked for something other than Xarelto and have been on Eliquis without any issues. My comprehensive deep dive blood work came back clear, too so that was good. But because this was my 2nd clot they want to keep me on the blood thinner indefinitely, with the plan to go to a lower dose after the clot is gone, which I think it is. Getting re-scanned next month.
Second time this year I have read of/heard from someone with Xarelto issues.
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