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  1. O

    Cream dosage question

    That’s what I thought. I went through male excel. I even reached out to them, and was told that’s the basic script for everyone. Does it make a difference that it’s apparently the hydrogel base?
  2. O

    Cream dosage question

    Right, sorry, that was not what I was worried about. I read that 400mg/gm cream is not stable. I’m curious if that’s accurate. I’ve seen almost everyone else is prescribed 200mg/g or even 100mg/g
  3. O

    Cream dosage question

    Testosterone cream dosage Hi all, I was just put on cream to try out. As injections have been useless no matter the protocol, assuming from my single digit shbg levels. Anyway, I was prescribed a cream base, at 400mg/gm which I’ve been reading is not stable? Supposedly 20% cream is the max...
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