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  1. T

    Testosterone Propionate

    I do, over a year now. 20-30mg/daily (rotating dosing). works best for me. ups/downs are good. prop works for sensitive guys with low shbg like me
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    How Delicate is Reconstituted HCG?

    great find thx! it totally makes sense to use it up within a month. at my dosing of 3600IU/week i should be done by 3 weeks with the 10k vial. btw I'd never would run such dosing if not reliablerx pricing.
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    How Delicate is Reconstituted HCG?

    i use reliablerx (all brands there). i think there is some degradation. after mixing it and injecting i always feel a boost pretty strong. increase in libido, warm balls etc. then weeks pass and this definitely seems to diminish. my protocol is T 210mg/week HCG 3x1200IU/week
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    cheap HCG (23usd/10k IU) - reliableRX - experience

    i just ordered 10x10kIU hcg from reliable. received 5x10kIU about a month ago, ran out, gave some away to friends. don't feel much difference between sanofi/zyhcg, so might stick with the cheapest which is ZY. i'd recommend ordering 10x at a time and re-order once you open one of your last 2 vials
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    Dopamine Agonism with Supplements

    pharma drug. reliablerx sells it. for peptides melatonan2 works well
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    Dopamine Agonism with Supplements

    pramipexole. dont start higher then 0.25mg. i recommend night. next day libido will be boosted. pair with cialis 10mg. i'd take both night before, or morning if you want it work at night. takes time to work. prami will make you sleepy initially
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    Dopamine Agonism with Supplements

    depends if you look for herbals or pharma and what your desired outcome is. if you look for a motivational boost things are a bit tricky. i used pramipexole here and there, and it does not give you any mental boost whatsoever. it does raise libido massively however. for a motivational boost...
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    i would never ever recommend to take snri's/ssri's/tramadol/pregabalin for delayed ejac. they are all pretty nasty drugs. they all work cause they will 'numb' your brain primitively speaking therefore decrease sensation massively. you feel super dull, sure you be delayed. topical lidocaine is...
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    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    yeah I mean what issues do you expect, sepsis lol? i have zero issues from home made as well hehe. so far at least. i just feel ripped of paying 30usd for 60ml BAC on amazon
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    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    i think you have some good points here. but BAC water from amazon? i have low confidence in that shit, probably from china. you really need to get BAC water from a compounding pharma. you could neutralize any potential contamination from RO water though. 1 is through the use of something like...
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    Pregnyl vs ReliableRX HCG?

    DIY. get benzyl alcohol + RO water + empty vials. mix 1% benzyl. been doing it for long. B.W. is too expensive
  12. T

    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    100%. lean chicken isn't the worst (if you like it). but tbh i rather get a protein boost from quality whey, like hydrolyzed whey isolate.
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    for the most. bacon is like 10% pufa. its not as bad as seed oils, i think its fine to some extent. personally i don't feel very good after eating chicken or pork compared to beef. i think if you have no issues its not a problem. also currently i still need to lose like 20lb fat. bacon just...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    its a fruit. i personally don't like them. pretty much! i think should not be an issue, but if you just went of a SAD diet maybe avoid this, pork/bacon/fatty chicken for a while
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    yes, it comes down to what works for people. you never ever will meet a person who said....i avoided seed oils, then I added them back and my health just got so much better, everything improved. you never find a person following some general mainstream advice and coming back 'wow this really...
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    semax experience

    have not seen much here on semax. been trying injectable semax at dosing around 350mcg on/off since couple weeks. I can definitely say that semax is amazing for a general mental well-being. it is hard to describe, but think of it as adderall without the massive euphoria or side effects, but with...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    definitely look at the success real world people are having! not a fan of Bezos, but I found his quote great “When the anecdotes and the data disagree, the anecdotes are usually right. There's something wrong with the way you are measuring it”
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    there is definitely an agenda. this is hardly a conspiracy. cow farts boil the oceans stuff. hard to say why this is pushed, don't want to stray too far here. but the recent news some minneapolis sports stadium switching to vegan foods only, is probably not because they do care about your...
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    melatonan 1+2 experience

    i injected 330mcg at a time (due to dilution math, 3ml on 10mg). for a week or so daily. followed by mt1 for a week. a 1/2 week course like this will be visible. you do need sun exposure
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    melatonan 1+2 experience

    how long did you use MT2 to get those dark spots? after 7 injections, while significantly darker haven't gotten any yet, seems pretty even, but tired of comments 'wow you are tan' type of stuff. have to say that the tan looks pretty natural with no skin damage. i don't think i could technically...
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    melatonan 1+2 experience

    you mean MT1? MT2 is much stronger with a longer half life. despite getting dark I have not seen any negatives. the color looks pretty good. but heard people getting strange dark spots etc
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    melatonan 1+2 experience

    my primitive understanding is that melatonan works like PT141, except without crossing the BBB. since I got a bad response to PT141 (headaches, strong flush, nausea) but no benefits, I gave melatonan 1+2 a try. first, i had no negatives. my skin color got really really dark. I am of...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    yeah - i figured skin isn't good. sweet - no skin - maybe peeling makes a difference. i handle cane sugar well - up to a level. no problems whatsoever. and food wise - yeah, sensitive since started carnivore/fruit. or maybe when you feel like crap every day you don't notice it. sort of default...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    @Gman: cooked white with skin. mashed. i think i take them off my list. I had less issues with baked sweet potatoes, but they did not feel good on GI either, just less bloated/foggy. I focus on 'gym' carbs too. i'm not super informed in that carb science, but fructose has a slower muscle pathway...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    I noticed this too. there is some veggies which give me instant digestive issues, farts, loose stools etc. things like broccoli, some roots, etc. while I eat them somewhat rarely, potatoes give me instant bloating/brain fog and a 3lb weight gain (prob not fat) which persists for 3 days after...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    i think there could be something to it. most processed foods are typically high in both. i typically split my carbs/fat in meals. upon waking 50g of carbs/greek yogurt. 2h after gym a steak. 3h later whey protein shake (carbs/protein), dinner red meat. has worked really well for me. my fasting...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    I would be open to the idea, that olive oil, avocados, fish is beneficial. so those 5 studies essentially point to a small benefit of saturated fats vs unsaturated. then the author of the article (not the study) still throws out the claim that pufa's might be beneficial, while linking to a study...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    there is really no evidence that saturated fat or animal protein is bad. most of those studies typically feed people a SAD diet, full of processed shit, add a steak and then blame the steak for whatever health issues those people have. those 'double placebo controlled studies' are similar to a...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    exercise more eat less while sounds amazing, it simply does not work. every fat person knows this rule already. most tried. they failed. blame willpower all you want. i embarked on a weight loss journey about 6 months ago. I tried many different approaches. keto, tracking (eat everything)...
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    i stopped using fish oil. most is rancid and oxidizes easily as well. have not exp. any benefits at all. on occasion I do wild caught fish and smoked salmon or ideally local lake fish.
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    you need to avoid seed oils (PUFA's)

    this is an anecdote but since avoiding nearly all PUFA's about a year ago, I get 0 sunburn. i tan darker, and typically could do 2h in the sun. i can 4-6h now. there is thousands of anecdotes confirming the same. what is the mechanism? highly unstable fats which do oxidize when exposed to UV...
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