In the search for libido: Started Flibanserin

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If the dizziness has gone away, you could try to take it in the morning and maybe it won't affect sleep in the evening.
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Waking up at night didn’t stop after stopping addyi, seems like it’s related to creatinine which I was supplementing 5g daily.

I reduced it to 3 gram and started taking it first thing in the morning.

I get up after 4 or 5 hours from sleeping. Read some articles which indicates the problem is creatinine.

When I ran low of ferritin I noticed the same thing only it happens faster, just after two hours I wake up. (Happens if I donated a lot and dropped my ferritin down)
If the dizziness has gone away, you could try to take it in the morning and maybe it won't affect sleep in the evening.
I still have two bottles and some pills left from the first one. I may try again not sure.
I am tired of this honestly
Even after stopping it I still wake up after exactly 3:30 hours daily I don’t know why.
I will do blood test, I even thought creatinine has to do something with this but it wasn’t.

My only guess now is maybe high hemoglobin ? But I am not sure if it does have such affect.

I will check ferritin and blood count.

I am planning to go back on addyi after figuring this out.
I can't sleep long or deep when I eat too much sugar during the day, even in the form of fruits. Keep in mind that sleep is affected not only by drugs but also by stress and diet.
I can't sleep long or deep when I eat too much sugar during the day, even in the form of fruits. Keep in mind that sleep is affected not only by drugs but also by stress and diet.
Lab test came back hemoglobin 16.2
Ferritin 19 which is boarder line range 20-250

So no problems here, still not sure what is wrong I can’t have one complete sleep. And I compensate by sleeping afternoon.
Ferritin 19 which is boarder line range 20-250
It's not that simple. Many doctors become concerned when ferritin <30.

Normal healthy people have a ferritin 100>.

Patients with true iron deficiency anemia on the basis of negative bone marrow iron staining may have a serum ferritin concentration close to 50 μg/L 7. Patients with the restless leg syndrome should be considered iron deficient when their ferritin concentration is <75 μg/L 8. Furthermore, patients with negative bone marrow iron stores have been shown to present with serum ferritin levels of close to 100 μg/L
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It's not necessarily borderline low. A ferritin below 50, you can be devoid of iron in the bone marrow. Many doctors consider inadequate iron stores below 50, which is stage 1 iron deficiency, which is depletion of iron stores.

Normal healthy people have a ferritin 100>.
I have been like this for almost two or three years. Basically since I started trt.

what I understood it’s fine. girls always have issues with low ferritin I never heard anything major happening to them ?
I have been like this for almost two or three years. Basically since I started trt.
I started TRT and ferritin dropped fast, therefore I need iron supplements on TRT. That’s because TRT increases EPO which increased erythroferrone, lowering hepcidin and ferroportin lets iron release from hepatocytes and therefore ferritin doesn't rise.

You need iron supplements or your going to be like this for years to come.

what I understood it’s fine. girls always have issues with low ferritin I never heard anything major happening to them ?
No, it's not fine. These girls aren't on T therapy, which is known to decrease ferritin in some individuals.

You're not a girl, and you do have issues.
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I have attempted again to take addyi, it’s been 4 days now and my sleep is really bad again. Not to say it was better when I stopped it but it was relatively getting better. Getting better from the last time I took addyi. There is no other issues I sure it’s from addyi.after I took it agai I wake up after 4hrs fully alerted and don’t feel Ilike I want to sleep any more.

This is alarming for me cuz sleeping for only 4hrs daily is defiantly not good. I still have two bottles but I have to stop this again.
Hoping my sleep will get back like before with time. As it doesn’t seems to get better immediately after stopping !!!
I started addyi for the third time after reading a lot that I have to wait for two month to see results. First time I went to a month and stopped it.

In all my attempts even now I sleep for 3 or 4 hours then wake up and can’t sleep anymore it’s really an issue for me.

I started taking the pill earlier but I don’t believe it will work cuz even when I stop it, it takes sometimes before my sleep gets back to normal.

Yet this time I will try my best to complete two month.
According to the web search results, the uptake of flibanserin prescriptions in the US in 2022-2023 is not very high. Flibanserin is a drug that was approved by the FDA in 2015 for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) in premenopausal women. However, the drug has been criticized for its low efficacy, high cost, and serious side effects, such as hypotension, syncope, and interactions with alcohol and other medication.

Another web search result estimates that only about 10% of women with HSDD are eligible for flibanserin treatment, based on the criteria of having no medical or mental health problems, no relationship issues, no drug use, and no history of low sexual desire. Furthermore, only about 10% of those eligible women are likely to benefit from flibanserin, based on the clinical trials that showed a modest increase in satisfying sexual events per month (0.5 to 1 more than placebo) and a slight improvement in sexual desire and distress scores. Therefore, the potential market for flibanserin is very limited.

It sounds like a dopamine agonist with the corresponding side effects and they have plenty:

Patient satisfaction is also very low:
a few lucky ones for which it works, the rest is side effects or no effect at all:

Have to agree with you Sammy. My wife wanted to give this flibanserin
a try years back when it hit the market and it did absolutely nothing.
Dr. Irwin Goldstein who is a giant in the field of sexual medicine prescribes it to men!

Two of the big guns in the field, Dr. Khera and Dr. Lipshultz are conducting a pilot randomized placebo-controlled study.

I will add, Dr. Rachel Rubin also prescribes both Addyi, as well as Vyleesi. Her staff suggested their patients, both male and female seem to be getting a better effect from Vyleesi. However, Vyleesi does seem to have slightly more side effects, but works more quickly. Having been prescribed Vyleesi by Dr. Rubin, and taken about 3 doses now, I can tell you in no uncertain terms it works!! Both in boosting libido, and in ED improvements. However, you do need to be prepared to manage side effects. It's probably a good idea to have a few Zofran for nausea, some naproxen, and Allegra available for side effect management. Taking them ahead of time, if you get those side effects, seems to be working. If you don't have insurance, the manufacturer of Vyleesi, has a program for 4 doses for $99. If you are like me, one dose lasts days, like three to four days.
So after two month of disturbed sleep and waking up everyday I have reached a conclusion to this issue.
It failed to work good !!! ever if there is small improvement I can’t take it any longer.

My solution now is changing protocols and stopping hcg every 3 week. As I noticed if I stop hcg alone after 3 weeks of use I get nice libido kick that last a week or ten days.

Next is to try pt-141 but I guess later this year maybe.
Dr. Irwin Goldstein who is a giant in the field of sexual medicine prescribes it to men!

Two of the big guns in the field, Dr. Khera and Dr. Lipshultz are conducting a pilot randomized placebo-controlled study.

Dr Khera has publicly stated they were the first to get approval from the FDA to do a study in men with Addyi. He also has said he doesn't think there is a lot of difference between men and women, regarding brain chemistry, as it relates to serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. He's probably right.
Dr Khera has publicly stated they were the first to get approval from the FDA to do a study in men with Addyi. He also has said he doesn't think there is a lot of difference between men and women, regarding brain chemistry, as it relates to serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. He's probably right.
Yea but the point here it didn’t work with me, maybe there was a small improvement. But nothing that makes me wake up daily and have poor quality sleep.
So after two month of use, I stopped it now.
Follow up on this.
Experiment failed.

major insomnia I just can’t sleep I wake up daily !!! Daily after 3 hours from going bed.

My approach now stop hcg after using it for 3 weeks and i get a honey moon period. I do this now all the time. Also taking Wellbutrinxl 150 daily as it increases the pleasure like I feel every drop is coming out . Without Wellbutrin reaching climax is 30% good with Wellbutrin is not 100% is more like above range like 130% can’t let it go.
When did you stop Addyi and did you sleep normalize?

Welbutrin can also cause sleep issues since it increases norepinephrine (similar to adrenaline).
When did you stop Addyi and did you sleep normalize?

Welbutrin can also cause sleep issues since it increases norepinephrine (similar to adrenaline).
I tried it the first time for a month and couldn’t sleep after that I stopped and took it again for two mo th hoping the sleeping issues would go away unfortunately it didn’t go away and didn’t see any benefits.I wake up daily after 3hrs from sleeping.i couldn’t continue.

Wellbutrin taken early morning didn’t cause any sleep issues. I love it. WellbutrinXL 150
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