My current protocol is:
68 Mg Test Cyp a week -SQ, Split dosed every 3.5 days (Monday morning / Thursday Evening)
HCG - M,W,F mornings at 220 IU's for a total of 660 week.
Anastrozole - .10 mg week (compounded)
TT: 579 ng/dl (250-1100)
FT: 116.6 pg/ml (46-224)
SHBG: 22 (10-50)
E2 Sensitive...
I've been on TRT for about 2 years and have always been slightly paranoid about my higher Hematocrit and Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin usually runs around 18 (13.2-17.1) and Hematocrit usually runs around 52% ( 38.5-50). I've already done the donate blood / crash Ferritin thing and so I no longer...
I've been reading PeakTest, Tnation and Excelmale forums for over a year and I can say that I am probably at or near the bottom of the range for required dosing to get great results. Mind you it has been a trial and adjustment for nearly a year as my body seemed to make adjustments of its own...
I am currently at this dosage after 1 year of TRT and after making many adjustments.
68 mg a week (34 mg split into 2 injections a week).
200 IU's HCG every Monday, Wed, Friday.
.25 mg Anastrozole a week split at .125 compounded taken at time of injection.
25mg Losartan daily.
I have donated...
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