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  1. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    In sufficient doses, combined with androgen blocking medication, it will literally transform you into a transgender female.
  2. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I did not. I actually persisted with the primo experimentation and had a couple weeks on it without joint pain or prostate issues, so that might have been a fluke or a temporary effect of starting it. It seemed to affect libido and mood negatively though, in a fashion similar to anastrozole...
  3. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate

    On this theme, I started doing some social media moderation work for Maximus, and what they are doing with oral testosterone together with enclomiphene will blow your mind. In their clinical research, the higher dosed group reached peak total T levels of 1327 ng/dL on average and peak free T of...
  4. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate

    It's an analog spectrum, not a binary on/off switch. There are infinite varying degrees of suppression in between fully functional HPTA and fully suppressed. You might apply the label of "suppressed" to any man with an LH of less than 0.5, however, an LH of 0.2 is less suppressed than an LH of...
  5. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I'm going to be experimenting next with some of the DHT derivatives I haven't tried yet (proviron, baby dose of masteron) to see if that might be a more effective way to counter excess E2 without the downsides of inhibiting aromatase in the CNS.
  6. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I'm experimenting now with 70 mg twice weekly and no AI, after my E2 dropped lower than I expected (29 pg/mL) after a couple weeks where I took only 0.1 mg every six days. I also suspect that despite E2 levels in blood looking good, aromatase inhibition in the brain is maybe not the best thing...
  7. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate

    Do they make you test LH and IGF-1 on follow-up labs? They keep asking me to do this and I don't understand why. LH is obviously undetectable. I don't really care what my IGF-1 is, and it isn't relevant to my TRT protocol. Do they measure IGF-1 to help sell GH-promoting peptides?
  8. FunkOdyssey

    Permanent crash of estrogen?

    @Gman86, you are something like the top investigative journalist of HRT. Always asking the right questions to dig deeper into the story and extract useful information. Stay curious brother!
  9. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    As jmbb suggested, I have 0.1 mg capsules from Empower.
  10. FunkOdyssey

    Trt options with men with BPH

    Here's what you probably should be more worried about IMO: Diet-Induced Hyperinsulinemia as a Key Factor in the Etiology of Both Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Essential Hypertension?
  11. FunkOdyssey

    Understanding Androgens and Acne

    Yes - chest and back acne eliminated with anastrazole. Another big component with acne is insulin and IGF-1: The Relationship Between Acne Vulgaris and Insulin Resistance SAD diet is devastating for acne while keto/carnivore is very helpful.
  12. FunkOdyssey

    Trt options with men with BPH

    There's a great paper on this topic which argues there is no evidence that TRT increases prostate size. In fact, even supraphysiologic testosterone levels have not been shown to increase prostate size (multiple studies supporting this). TRT may prevent or reverse lower urinary tract symptoms...
  13. FunkOdyssey

    Understanding Androgens and Acne

    While the explanation given in the video seems like accurate information, it only represents a small piece of the puzzle. For example, the acne that men on TRT experience often responds to E2 management, and in these cases, has apparently nothing to do with DHT.
  14. FunkOdyssey

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    You really have tried quite a bit. I still say try once a week. And in the meantime, look into Bi-mix or Tri-mix. Guaranteed erections with no side effects, far more effective than PDE5 inhibitors.
  15. FunkOdyssey

    Dad now son at 19 low t

    Enclomiphene might be a better option than TRT for such a young man, to boost his levels while maintaining HPTA function and fertility. Check out the board sponsor Maximus for that:
  16. FunkOdyssey

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    Have you ever tried scrotal cream or a DHT analogue? More DHT might be helpful.
  17. FunkOdyssey

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    You haven't tried once a week yet? That would be my next experiment. Increased frequency negatively impacts libido and sexual function in many guys when using longer esters.
  18. FunkOdyssey

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    How low have you gone with frequency of injection? How are your E2 levels on TRT versus off? Ever try an AI?
  19. FunkOdyssey

    Enanthate shortage . . . and how many doses from your vial?

    In my case, content isn't a strong enough word. On a 1-10 scale of results and tolerability, the Hikma enanthate is a 10, and every other formula I tried is somewhere between 1 (compounded cypionate) and 3 (compounded propionate).
  20. FunkOdyssey

    Discouraged with TRT

    LOL. Can we just take a moment to appreciate how epic a derailment that was though. If you're going to derail a thread, go all the way (to the uterus).
  21. FunkOdyssey

    Who does not need to use an ED med?

    I started a thread on this very real phenomenon that has been reported over and over and over again, which includes my attempts to explain it:
  22. FunkOdyssey

    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    How long have you been taking the magnesium and taurine? Either of those in my experience can cause fatigue and feeling weird. They both can have sedative effects.
  23. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    That's correct, it has just the small amount of benzyl alcohol as preservative. When benzyl benzoate is included, they use large amounts of BB (typically 1:1 ratio with the testosterone). Aside from whatever issues it may cause directly, via pharmacological effects, toxicity, or immune...
  24. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    Thanks Jerajera. I did come close to throwing in the towel completely, until I tried Hikma enanthate, which was actually tolerable for me. I'm using Empower enanthate now as a result of the Hikma shortage - so far, that seems to be working well also. With T enanthate as a base, I'm now feeling...
  25. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I'm very interested in the results of these experiments, so I hope you will keep us updated. I'd like to try all the same compounds at some point. The HPTA shutdown doesn't seem to affect everyone equally. Overall, I feel pretty good and mentally sharp. The only obvious cognitive impairment I...
  26. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    Let's say this is true. How does it affect your approach? Are you going to take some kind of serotonin-blocking drug to deal with the serotonin? What ramifications will that have? Will you take cabergoline long-term for the prolactin and risk developing a problem with your heart valves? Or...
  27. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    What did you run into for adverse effects? I've heard some suggest you can experience transient low E2 symptoms when you first dose the AI due to the speed at which E2 drops. I've never stayed with prop very long. I'm currently on test E, 80 mg twice weekly, with .1 mg anastrazole 2x weekly...
  28. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I think you're correct in that men do tend to assume everything they don't like about their TRT experience is caused by E2. If you are aware of the benefits of E2 and undesired effects high androgens can cause, this is frustrating to witness. There is a tool that any given individual can use to...
  29. FunkOdyssey

    Anti AI crowd

    I tried primo for a short while and it caused significant joint pain and some prostate inflammation. I know some prefer to use DHT derivatives to control E2, but I honestly feel like microdosing anastrozole is more benign. At least, it feels healthier and more sustainable for me personally...
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