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  1. Fernando Almaguer

    Semaglutide Forum: Game Changer for Weight Loss

    TRT maybe muscle sparing as well
  2. Fernando Almaguer

    Understanding Androgens and Acne

    Yes how do we control e2 and acne, I guess lower dose or take an ai. Although daily of eod cialas controls estrogen aswell. I find all of this helps when acne flares up.. mostly after taking hcg after a couple of weeks
  3. Fernando Almaguer


    Has anyone here used this nootropic and what is your testimony please?
  4. Fernando Almaguer

    Cycling Ipamorelin?

    does it burn fat?
  5. Fernando Almaguer

    Everything Tesamorelin

    Tesamorelin is super expensive, jesus
  6. Fernando Almaguer

    Swapping red meat for herring, sardines and anchovies could save 750,000 lives, study suggests

    In fairness I have not watched the video but since taking omega 3s and even pharma vasepa. My triglycerides have gone down quite a bit.
  7. Fernando Almaguer

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    mushrooms of the magic sort lol
  8. Fernando Almaguer

    Combining tadalafil and sildenafil

    I do 2.5 mg or 5 mg cialas and 10mg or 5 mg of viagra. Feel pumped like a new tire!
  9. Fernando Almaguer

    Protein: Is there a limit to how much we can use?

    I've recently went from Overhead press max of around 200 lbs. to 225 lbs. I went from a bench of 300 lbs. to 315 for 1 rep max. It's amazing what 3-4 meals packed with protein and being in a caloric surplus will do for strength. Lest I forget to mention training 8 to 10 or more sets close to...
  10. Fernando Almaguer

    Legal or rx marijuana for sleep?

    The thing, and I'm not sure if it has been mentioned, is that marijuana decreases the sleep latency period (how fast one falls asleep) and harms the stages of deep sleep and REM sleep.
  11. Fernando Almaguer

    Where to get HCG nowadays?

    Empower still has some right
  12. Fernando Almaguer

    TRT and Work Outs

    Kind of, some people see muscle gain just by having higher tesosterone levels and eating. So working out is definetly going to drive muscle up and the scale even if you aren't getting fat per say.
  13. Fernando Almaguer

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    I also take 500mgs of arginine almost daily and I have seen a boost. Maybe it is slightly bioavailable?
  14. Fernando Almaguer

    Gene's Nitric Oxide Stack

    20 mg can be a bit much. I talke 2.5 mg. or 5 mg. Both doses- along with maybe 10 or 20 mgs viagra can do the trick for me
  15. Fernando Almaguer

    Anabolic steroid use can increase heart disease risk

    I have noticed although not often and only lasts a few days, fibrillation. But my doctor said lay off caffeine and get good rest. Now I know it could be a combo of TRT, caffeine, and lack of sleep or increase stress. Ive had no symptoms for a good while now
  16. Fernando Almaguer

    Anti-Aging & weight-loss effects of Rapamycin

    Yes supposed to be 2-5mg per week
  17. Fernando Almaguer

    Senolytic Drug Advancements For Health Extension

    I didn't mean any offense.. thank you for the reassurance Blues.
  18. Fernando Almaguer

    Senolytic Drug Advancements For Health Extension

    How legit is this link you sent? thank you! Also, whats the age people might start Rapa, on average?
  19. Fernando Almaguer

    Senolytic Drug Advancements For Health Extension

    Has anyone experimented with rapamycin or know where to get it without a docs prescription in the USA?
  20. Fernando Almaguer

    Clean Nutrition for Health, Muscle Gain and Fat Loss.

    Im just curious, About how many grams of protein does this give you per day per lb of your body weight Nelson?
  21. Fernando Almaguer

    Effect of Testosterone on Progression From Prediabetes to Diabetes in Men With Hypogonadism

    your thoughts on HBa1c? ( I will do the insulin test next check up 6 months.)
  22. Fernando Almaguer

    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    Did your test levels rebound to a "normal" physiological level?
  23. Fernando Almaguer

    "TRT/HRT/Nutrition/Cognition/Wellness/LT student of the game"

    Forgive me if its been address but I wonder how high your test was to be feeling anxious and what not. I'm at 500- 600 TT and I feel much better than in the 1000's
  24. Fernando Almaguer

    Effect of Testosterone on Progression From Prediabetes to Diabetes in Men With Hypogonadism

    Nice, I'd be interested to see what your are. I got mine yesterday - Im at 73mg/dl the lowest it's been since starting trt in 2015
  25. Fernando Almaguer

    Effect of Testosterone on Progression From Prediabetes to Diabetes in Men With Hypogonadism

    Is this blood test. And why do docs insist on hbalc being a good indicator?
  26. Fernando Almaguer

    Ipamorelin Dosage Discussion

    Since Imaporelin is "better" do you think it will have similar visceral fat burning qualities?
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