Recent content by mchadcota

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  1. M

    Anti AI crowd

    I didn’t want this post to be a debate about AI’s. Just simply wondering if the anti AI people think that E2 doesn’t matter all, or if they think it does matter but should be controlled by adjusting T dose
  2. M

    Anti AI crowd

    What about my question of, do they not think estrogen matters at all, or do they think it does matter but should be controlled by adjusting T dose?
  3. M

    Anti AI crowd

    So you would say that if the person doesn’t feel good with those levels, the high T could be the problem and not necessarily E2. Are you one that thinks estrogen doesn’t matter?
  4. M

    Anti AI crowd

    Wondering if anyone can clear up something for me about the anti AI crowd. You all know there are the guys that are not only against AI but that also say they don’t even check E2. They say they aren’t concerned about it and as long as your dose is right you don’t need to check it. But what...
  5. M

    Trt too high?

    Thanks a lot for your reply! That’s what I am hoping will do the trick. I’m at 160 total per week broken into twice weekly shots. I’m going to ask to keep dropping until I find a good spot.
  6. M

    Trt too high?

    Wanted to follow up and get opinions. I stopped the AI. Last one I took was 0.25 10 days ago. So I’m doing 80 mg Monday and Thursday for total of 160/wk. How long would you give it to see if libido improves before decreasing dose?
  7. M

    Trt too high?

    Got it! I will try that. Thanks alot for all your input!
  8. M

    Trt too high?

    So if someone(me) has no water retention, no gyno, no itchy nipples), just no libido and some brain fog, would you call that having symptoms of high E2?
  9. M

    Trt too high?

    Also wondering, there are a lot of drs out there that say don’t worry about E2. Don’t even check it because it doesn’t matter. And never use an AI. Can anyone tell me what their approach would be then for someone that has a T level of 1000 but has no libido?
  10. M

    Trt too high?

    Yeah maybe I’ll get away from them and back to managing myself
  11. M

    Trt too high?

    If it was good to let you estrogen run high when test is high, it would seem like the clinics would have alot of patients saying “quit giving me an AI because I feel better when my estrogen is allowed to go higher along with my high T.
  12. M

    Trt too high?

    So are y’all of the opinion that you can go to the higher end of the T range and just let your E2 fall where it may without AI, OR focus on keeping your E2 in that 20-40 range by adjusting your T level? For example, if you can’t get your T level above 500 without your E2 getting high, then you...
  13. M

    Trt too high?

    So when my level was 889 and I was taking 0.25 AI once week my E2 was 54. Libido not good. Would you say that my T level was good and I should’ve not taken AI? That would mean my E2 wouldn’t been I’m guessing 70 or so. Do you think I would’ve felt better at that high of E2?
  14. M

    Trt too high?

    Thanks so much for the advice. I think I will try a slightly lower dose and drop the AI. I feel like having a trough level at 900 is really high compared to natural levels.
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