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  1. DixieWrecked

    Effect on Bloods when Quitting Nicotine on TRT

    Well I quit by using a zero nicotine vape. I was ripping on that thing a lot and the improvements I mentioned still occured. So it must be the nic.
  2. DixieWrecked

    Effect on Bloods when Quitting Nicotine on TRT

    I quit vaping, something I've done a few times. I track my health using an Oura Ring and a fitbit. Vaping rasies my resting heart rate by 20bpm. No exageration. Exactly 20 beats. Also my average HRV when vaping is 20. When not vaping it is 5x better at 100. High doses of nicotine are...
  3. DixieWrecked

    REALLY Struggling With Weight Loss: What Labs to Run?

    I started keto 3 weeks ago and I use a breath meter to verify. My fat storage area is the same as yours, lower abdomen. I am shocked by how much of it has melted away in just three weeks.
  4. DixieWrecked

    EStim Erections

    Yeah give it a whirl. The guys on those forums say to tune the unit to 20hz. There is like an entire community of people that shock their cock&balls for enjoyment so they have all this knowledge on it. I don't find it enjoyable, its a chore. But I gotta say between the self massage and this...
  5. DixieWrecked

    EStim Erections

    So here is something kind of new for this forum I believe. Last night I used my TENS Unit on my pelvic floor. I placed the negative pad on my perenium (taint) and the positive pad on my pubic area, at the base of my penis where my shaft meets my torso. There are entire reddit groups that get...
  6. DixieWrecked

    Dhea and pregnelone

    please keep us posted
  7. DixieWrecked

    Dhea and pregnelone

    this one ooks decent. not too many ingredients and high dose...
  8. DixieWrecked

    TNE (test base) once daily timing to preserve HPTA function

    I think it would be an experiment worth trying for sure. I say go for it and report back how it went. I think you would like it.
  9. DixieWrecked

    Enclomiphene and it's uses

    Alright guys, was doing some thinking. People take serms to recover from TRT or their steroid cycles. I was thinking that this would actually be almost pointless. SERMS block the the hypothalamus' estrogen receptor which we all know stimulates the release of GnRH. But if you are shutdown...
  10. DixieWrecked

    High testosterone is like … finasteride? Say what!

    This all makes sense to me. What is the work around if steady state of injections don't work? Scrotal cream?
  11. DixieWrecked

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    Well you do have to give it alot longer if you want to give it a fair shot. Like months longer. That transition is tough as hell though, especially not knowing if the protocol will suit you after it's all settled.
  12. DixieWrecked

    Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide: Pros and Cons

    Yeah supposedly it can actually paralyze the digestive system. And once it occurs can be irreversible. I mean knowing the pharma industry, they have all the payouts from lawsuits already budgeted in.
  13. DixieWrecked

    Tirzepatide vs Semaglutide: Pros and Cons

    From my understanding these drugs could have some pretty nasty problms after a while including a black box warning indicating an increased risk of various cancers. The longer a person takes it the greater chance of cancer they have. There are plenty of other problems too. It's basically a...
  14. DixieWrecked

    I was wondering if any members use L plantarum PS128 for mental health?

    The probiotics affecting your dreams?
  15. DixieWrecked

    My HPTA recovery log: I have reversed my type 2 diabetes (SHBG 31/glucose 80) and may have never had hypogonadism!!

    Hey systemlord. I truly commend you for trying new things and having the balls to come off TRT and then being vulnerable to share your experiences. BUT, your thread mentions that your testicles are rotating, you've lost no muscle, you turn orange if you eat an orange, your erections are fully...
  16. DixieWrecked

    Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man

    Yeah I know. I'm kinda torn on it. Been working on finding a good product. maybe this one...
  17. DixieWrecked

    Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man

    I just started the beef liver back up. Trying to go hollistic as possible. I am eating 2 oz every day. Not sure if I can eat enough to get enough B vitamins so I am supplement but still on the fence about that.
  18. DixieWrecked

    I'm in my early 40s and my calcium score came back 200 with most of it in the LAD. How did this happen?

    Vitamin K can reduce plaque. Also nattokinase. It's not a fantasy, it's actually studied.
  19. DixieWrecked

    Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man

    I know this thread is old but I've been doing some research. I dug back into my DNA report and uploaded my data into Rhonda Patrick's website for personalized nutrition guidance. It came back that I need more choline as well as TMG to support my broken methylation system. Also suggested omega...
  20. DixieWrecked

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    I did 200 test and 100 deca and absolutely sent me into a depression and anxiety spiral. Nandrolone solo, between 200-900 wasn't bad but I missed that lack of assertiveness. Definitely chill bordering on apathy. It definitely is a change in behavior. I'm contemplating how to explain it...
  21. DixieWrecked

    Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

    One good thing about nandrolone is it seems to be much more forgiving when finding a dosage window because it so much less estrogenic and androgenic. As long as you get enough of it, you'll be good. it's hard to go too high. Just gotta keep an eye on the heart rate, BP, and sleep.
  22. DixieWrecked

    Severe Muscle Pain from Crestor?

    I tried the coq10 but that didn't help at all. I just said screw it and let my cholesterol do it's thing. I don't really believe in the stations. You can look at a line graph that tracks statin prescriptions and heart deaths and they just rise together. Stations haven't helped cardiovascular...
  23. DixieWrecked

    Severe Muscle Pain from Crestor?

    I've experienced this. I was taking 10mg of crestor and I couldn't even do curls my arms hurt so bad. It took a while for it to go away too. I felt so damn old on crestor it was unbelievable. I could barely work out and my workouts weren't any fun at all. Getting off the couch was a huge...
  24. DixieWrecked

    Should I try Testosterone

    Give it a whirl.
  25. DixieWrecked

    The Disturbing Sexual Trend With Real Health Consequences

    I'll confirm this. These crazy ass women like to be choked and smacked around. I'm over it by now but they ask for it or if things seem kinda boring, you give em a little test choke with your hand and they moan real loud to let you know how they like it. Wasn't like this even a few years ago.
  26. DixieWrecked

    Increase Nitric Oxide: Fix Blood Pressure & Inflammation Naturally

    Iv'e done some limited researching on this. The internet says it costs 100K a year for this. Is there a an easier way to get this?
  27. DixieWrecked

    Real Nitric Oxide

    I just looked at the ingredients and sodium nitrite is saltpater. In the Marines, we all wondered why none of had erections when we woke up. The myth was that the military put saltpeter in the food. So this contains saltpeter. After doing a quick search the FDA doesn't even allow...
  28. DixieWrecked

    Considering adding hCG, questions about e2 and mood

    Only way to find out is to try. Its out of your system pretty quick if you don't like it. Its not some long commitment like a deconoate ester.
  29. DixieWrecked

    Strange enclomiphene side effect

    Definetely possible. It is attaching to the estrogen receptor and is considered a blocker as far as the hypothalamus is interpreting things but it's called a modulator for a reason. It's still going to have effects on your system.