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  1. S

    Leaky gut

    A Gastroenterologist would help you get to the bottom of any GI symptoms you are experiencing. They will not diagnose you with leaky gut because leaky gut is not an actual medical diagnosis. They will look for what might be causing inflammation in your GI tract. There also is no evidence that...
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    Leaky gut

    Why do you think you have leaky gut? Leaky gut isn’t an actual diagnosis. There is debate in the medical literature about the validity of it but it seems that increased intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) is more likely a symptom of a chronic inflammatory issue in the GI tract rather than a...
  3. S

    Application of compounded testosterone cream.

    Interesting how variable this is per person. Twice daily cream wasn’t a great experience for me. Got really bloated and libido wasn’t great. When I reduced to daily, things got a whole lot better. Seems some people need that daily fluctuation in levels rather keeping a more steady level.
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    Prednisone and libido

    Realized my response above was poorly worded and may no make a lot of sense. The point I was trying to make is that if you need the prednisone, the RA may not be well controlled. Uncontrolled inflammation and not feeling great could then be the cause of your lower libido.
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    Prednisone and libido

    What maintenance medication are you taking for the RA? Might be time to change that up to reduce the number times you have to take a course of prednisone.
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    Application of compounded testosterone cream.

    So, I think you need to give it more time. If it hasn’t even been 6 weeks yet, that’s not enough time. And 20% is 100mg/mL. The topiclick dispenser will give you 0.5 mL per click. Therefore it’s 50mg per click.
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    Application of compounded testosterone cream.

    If you feel good, I wouldn’t increase it just for libido alone. Libido is funny and variable and more testosterone doesn’t necessarily fix that. ie: last week, I couldn’t stop thinking about sex. This week, nothing. No interest at all and there has been no change in my replacement regimen and...
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    Rolex and Other Fine Watches

    Love mechanical watches. Your next step should be learning to repair/build them. I’m to the point that I can repair any watch I own aside from Rolex and Tudor in house movements. It‘s really satisfying and saves me money to buy more watches:) I’m pretty varied in my collecting. I like Rolex...
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    Treatment resistant acne

    Interesting. Easy enough to try. That is quite a dose, though. Did it really require that much? Have you tried lower doses?
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    Treatment resistant acne

    Thanks. I do already take zinc and Niacinamide. True on the vegan diet and it probably would be helpful for ulcerative colitis as well. But, I just can’t seem to get there. Just not disciplined enough to make that a permanent thing. It has driven me to a more plant based diet than a lot...
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    Treatment resistant acne

    Thanks for the responses. We did talk about fungal acne but my dermatologist ruled that out based on appearance. But, given the persistence, it’s worth pushing that idea a bit more. Fun fact, you can use a black light to help diagnose fungal acne at home. That’s basically a Wood Lamp...
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    Treatment resistant acne

    Hi, Just looking for a second opinion on the cystic acne I’ve been dealing with and a plan to re-introduce testosterone. The back ground is a little long but pertinent, I think. Back in May I started a course of prednisone for an ulcerative colitis flare up. About 3 months after that, I...
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    Testosterone Cream Scrotal Application

    I didn’t get more body hair or lose anymore hair. But, I got the worst cystic acne I’ve ever had. Nothing seems to touch it. Really sucks. —Andy
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    Omeprazole Discontinuation

    You may want to consider going to every other day for a week or two and then stopping or starting an H2 antagonist. The H2 would be temporary. Many patients that abruptly stop drugs like omeprazole experience a rebound effect with acid secretion and can be pretty miserable when that happens...
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    How long for acne to resolve after stopping TRT?

    Hi, I'm currently on testosterone trans-scrotal cream 150mg daily (100mg AM and 50mg PM). I'm finding myself in a position where I need to stop it to rule out the testosterone being the cause of my cystic acne. How long of a trial do you think you'd need to see a difference in a side effect...
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